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Old 12-28-02, 08:43 PM   #16
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I prefer to buy Captive Bred and Born snakes. Sometimes you don't have the CBB option for certain species, but Royal/Ball Pythons are not one of those species being as common as corn snakes.
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May you live in interesting times.
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Old 12-28-02, 08:47 PM   #17
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Exactly Lisa. I mean, if you were trying to work with Boelen's or Timor Pythons and you needed a colony to get started, then WC would be your only option. Fortunately, Ball Pythons are not like that anymore and haven't been for the last 10 years.
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Old 12-29-02, 12:21 AM   #18
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I don't know If you got your question answered by any of the latest posts, but in addition to what everyone is saying, keep your farm bred, but think about cbb more closely for your Next ball.

It is too late for your first ball to be happily cbb, but that is not his/her fault, so you should definetly give him/her a good home.
Again, that is my opinion. Good luck in your decision.
And congrats on the ball.
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Old 12-29-02, 01:00 AM   #19
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Cranwill IS GI Joe.

Believe it.
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Old 12-29-02, 01:02 AM   #20
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Damn! You caught me...
Cranwill's Captive Bred Snakes
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Old 12-29-02, 03:19 PM   #21
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I understand everyone's outrage at the live animals trade. It's not right and it's not moral. But in some areas (and i know this for a fact) it's next to impossible to buy a CBB baby. Period. When I set out to buy my ball I tried to find a breeder in the area, but the only one I could find was this guy who housed his balls in a cramped, overcrowded cages and had spiders (and god only know what other bugs) running around his facility. While the babies looked fairly healthy, I was scared to buy from him. When I went to another store, they had a clean cage, clean water and better conditions. The babies were fatter and more active then the babies at the breeder's and reptile guy (who I know to be honest) said that the babies were definatly hatched in captivity by a responsible professional. I don't know about you, but I'd rather buy a ball who I can visibly see is healthy, even though it might be CH (I'm not sure), rather then a sickly baby who I could have a lot of problems with later even though they're proudly bred in America. From now on I plan to try and buy online, but since I'm not out on my own yet, I'm not allowed to be begging for rides to the airport or staying home from classes to wait for my snake.
~ Alaska and
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Old 12-29-02, 04:57 PM   #22
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I just wanted to share my little story...

As much as you think its more convient MidnightIris to buy CH or some cases it can be a disaster. Although you and this other person (thread starter) have gotten lucky. many people have horrible experiences when they buy a WC.

I personally made the IDIOT mistake of taking a WC Amazon Tree Boa....and sure many people have had WC Amazons with no trouble, but then again most are a pain. Mine had both internal parasites and external mites, he had layers upen layers of shed on him which I never was able to 100% remove, and after a couple vet visits, force medication at home, and many emails to Darren Hamill and others who might have been able to help me, he died.

This is not a good experience for someone just getting into snakes, thats why most people strongly believe that you should only be buying CB. Which is what I do now. Only CB. If I can't find CB, I don't get that snake. Impatience can lead to a bad experience.

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Old 12-29-02, 09:18 PM   #23
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Thanks for all the replies. I will deffinately get a cb ball python the next time. The main reason for my mistake was not enough knowledge on my part. Since I was told most balls that are sold are farm bread. But thanks to all of your replies I know better and I appreciated your replies.
Thanks again
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Old 12-30-02, 01:18 PM   #24
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Marisa, I'm not saying that there aren't problems when dealing with WC (and there's a difference between WC and FH), and I'm not saying that every keeper should go out and get a WC individual because it will end well. I'm just saying that you shouldn't condone a person for buying a HEALTHY FH baby that you've looked over and found to be healthier then a CBB individual. If I had been hasty with my decision, I would have bought from the breeder and aquired an unhealthy individual. I know I took a risk for both me and the snake, but it was an educated risk.
~ Alaska and
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Old 12-30-02, 04:13 PM   #25
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I am not trying to condone or not condone what I was trying to do was show the newbie to snakes person(s) reading this thread that although two people got lucky, its almost *never* a better decision to choose FH or WC or CH over a CB.

And I am sorry you didn't have a chance to visit a proper breeder because I can assure you not all CB babies are "less healthy" and generally its the other way around. And I think its important for the "newbies" or even new to snakes people that they read this, instead of taking a chance on something other than CB because two people online had good luck. Just MHO.

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Old 12-30-02, 10:03 PM   #26
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No, i fully understand what you are saying! I would never buy a WC corn snake, or even a WC ball python. Like I said, I got lucky! I would love to see a proper breeding facility someday. I don't think that FH should be a first choice, or even a second and hopefully someday it won't be a choice at all. I was simply telling the person who orignially posted this not to be ashamed to have a FH baby (they were considering getting rid of the baby.) You can't depend on having good luck with FH babies, I just wanted to share my (abeit rare) success story.
~ Alaska and
1.2 Corns - Nebula, Mystic and Mirage
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Old 12-30-02, 10:24 PM   #27
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Im the one who started the post and MidnightIris I apreciate you telling me your success story but I also now learned that balls arent hard to breed in capativity and I even found a place close where I live who selss CB balls so thats good for my next one.
Thanks again for all the help......
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