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Old 12-22-02, 04:49 PM   #1
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Rat behaviour?

Just got a rat yesterday, and I have a question about his behaviour. He seems fairly tame, he seems very interested in my hands whenever I put them in the cage. But, besides just sniffing, he 'nibbles' on my fingers - like he's testing to see how springy my skin is! It's not at all painful, but it's exactly the same as a bite, just not nearly as hard.

So, is this a forerunner to getting bitten? Or is he just checking to see if I'm edible? Any ideas?

<img width="452" height="402" src=",0,0,1,1,452,402,FFFFFF">

Also, does anyone know what color he is (I'm sure there's a name for it besides grayish)?

various cornsnakes, 0.1 black pine snake, 1.0 uromastyx geyri, etc.

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Old 12-22-02, 04:58 PM   #2
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Whatever colour he is its a neat one! I've never seen one that colour before. As for the nibbling, my pet rat used to do that when he was a baby but grew out of it eventually - I'm not sure how normal it is, I make a point of never using Winky as a comparison becasue he is far from normal and has many strange behaviours. He was a sickly runt that I just coudln't kill but has eventually grown up
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Old 12-22-02, 05:06 PM   #3
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That's pretty normal behaviour, sometimes they'll do a little test bite...the only times my rats have done it is if I've been feeding them through the bars of the cage then stick my finger in and they try to grab it, thinking it's another piece of food, or if I've stuck my finger inside the opening to their "house", I assume they do it then because I've startled them...or maybe it's the food thing again *shrugs* And they seem to do it more when they're younger, and might be testing their limits with you...

But the point I'm trying to make is that I've never had this behaviour lead to real biting, and they "grow out of it" for the most part (with the exception of the food through the bars thing)
If you don't like that he's doing it at all, I've heard that if you make a squeaking noise everytime he does it that he'll eventually stop doing it (because he's treating you like you're another rat, and if you squeak then he'll think he's hurting you and stop) I've never tried this, so I can't say whether it works or not, but I imagine making any sudden noise when he does it would make him stop (negative reinforcement and all that)

Long post for such a simple answer, eh?

By the way, he'd be what you'd call a "blue" rat, a blue berkshire to be more specific (berkshire being the term referring to the white patch on his belly and his white hands and feet)
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Old 12-23-02, 05:13 PM   #4
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that rat looks alot like our male rat "fubar"
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Old 01-02-03, 12:26 AM   #5
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He's a beautiful rat!! Alot of people just call them blue rats but he's called a self mink he comes from the chocolate strain of rats, some pet stores sell those only as pets and for a more expensive price. I have this strain here and keep them as pets as well. I think they are the prettiest of rats, if a rat can be pretty. The nibbling is normal, he's kind of tasting you, sometimes we have good things on our hands, like McDonalds fries etc. Or I agree with what other's have stated maybe a test bite, or maybe a little of both. But most of my rats do this. He's a nice rat I'd keep him for a pet and not food, especially if he's friendly! Hey get him a female and then you'll have rat pinks to use, put him to work!! LOL
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Old 01-02-03, 08:45 AM   #6
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its more like a tongue twister to me!
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