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Old 02-24-09, 02:26 AM   #16
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Re: Vivarium Upgrade Advice

It sounds like its in her nature to chill then Also I suggest on the heating pad using a thermostat there nice because they shut it off at a certain temp so no over heating or wasting electricity.
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Old 02-24-09, 04:41 AM   #17
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Re: Vivarium Upgrade Advice

Originally Posted by Kmef07 View Post
wow first time i've ever seen aaron post about someone doing a good job on something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Meh, it's easier to give suggestions :P

I just don't say the good words...maybe I should...maybe I need to "parent" people? You know, do the whole positive reinforcement thing to get results.
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Old 02-24-09, 01:29 PM   #18
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Re: Vivarium Upgrade Advice

I just don't say the good words...maybe I should...maybe I need to "parent" people? You know, do the whole positive reinforcement thing to get results.
Oh, that would definitely make us all feel better! LOL!

To defend Aaron, he has posted compliments before, but you're right--they are few and far between. Maybe we should think of his compliments this way--their rarity makes them more valuable!

Re the UTH--I'd use it for sure and on a thermostat if you can to raise heat for the day time/lower heat for the night time. But be careful not to get it too high so you don't risk burning the snake. Belly heat helps any snake digest its meals--as Aaron has mentioned elsewhere (and others have mentioned, too!).
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Old 02-24-09, 03:58 PM   #19
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Re: Vivarium Upgrade Advice

Noted, thank you Got a spare stat for it so alls good

Thing is though, the shelter she likes to hide in is shaped like a hollowed out rock where the top removes. It has a bottom with a moss like type bedding. She loves it in there. It'll be just so damned hard to actually tell how hot the mat is making it! Best I can do is put a thermometer on the substrate aswell, and monitor its temp.

Thanks again all

Just as an aside. My dad is having my old 3ft viv. He's quite keen on a lizard. Wants one that doesn't mind handling. Any suggestions for a first timer? I'm thinking gecko's would be the obvious choice. Its a bit too small for a beardie or blue tongue. Thanks.
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Old 02-24-09, 04:23 PM   #20
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Re: Vivarium Upgrade Advice

Geckos are easiest. Cheap and easy and a very good introductory animal. I personally don't think blue tongues are that good as first time lizards. Require a bit more lighting and needs. Fat tail geckos are my number one choice.
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Old 02-24-09, 05:12 PM   #21
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Re: Vivarium Upgrade Advice

I'm going to agree with gecko's as a firsty.
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Old 02-27-09, 11:12 AM   #22
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Re: Vivarium Upgrade Advice

I love geckos! Gotta recommend them too. Crested geckos are great, super easy to care for but can be a bit jumpy. Gargoyle geckos are similar but less jumpy. Both of these geckos are usually good with room temperature and they don't need UVB.
Leopard geckos are terrestrail so they don't jump, they are very popular as well with fairly low maintence.
If you are interested in crested gecko or gargoyles I can tell you much more!
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Old 02-28-09, 10:18 PM   #23
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Re: Vivarium Upgrade Advice

I was going to say crested geckos myself, but siz beat me to it. Cool little animals!

Hope your new viv works out and you get to see more of that snake! And I hope your dad has fun with his new adventure!
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Old 03-01-09, 03:39 AM   #24
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Re: Vivarium Upgrade Advice

Thanks guys

@siz - thanks for that advice. Nice little run down of the geckos. We looked at crested today. As you say, nice but jumpy. They need a lot of height apparently with plenty to climb on? So I think my dad's going with leo's as they're similar temperment but don't need to climb etc. and more suited to my old viv.

I'm so tempted to get some geckos myself would that size last lifetime?

What are gargoyle geckos like? What are their requirements? As they are quite cute looking

Thanks again
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Old 03-01-09, 05:20 AM   #25
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Re: Vivarium Upgrade Advice

From what I've read, you can keep an individual crested or gargoyle in a 20-gallon size tank, but that would be the minimum; apparently leos can go smaller. Your old enclosure sounds bigger than that, so your dad should be fine. A 29-gallon size tank is adequate for 3--one male, two females--of any of the three species, though again, larger might be better for the cresteds as they attain mature size, because they tend to be more active. Gargoyles are a little less active, and they need branches & things to climb on, which makes the viv more interesting IMHO.

There are some good care sheets on gargoyles, such as this: Gargoyle Geckos - Care In Captivity

Just google "gargoyle gecko care" and you will get links to a number of others as well.

Leos are apparently very friendly little creatures, so your dad should have fun!
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Old 03-01-09, 06:14 AM   #26
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Re: Vivarium Upgrade Advice

Hey, I just learned about these: Phelsuma (day gecko)--they are gorgeous!

Here's a link to a care sheet: Phelsuma Care Sheet

look at this one: P borbonica

or this one: P ornata

or: P laticauda

Wow! Those are just a few of the many possibilities.

There are a couple of places with tons of info--Gecko Ranch and the one I just posted links to.

Have fun with whatever you get!
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Old 03-01-09, 05:45 PM   #27
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Re: Vivarium Upgrade Advice

Phelsuma are beautiful, but their skin is very delicate and can't be touched. No handling those guys unfortunately.
I'd go about 15g for a leo, and 25g (tall) or bigger for a crested gecko or garg, they'll use all the room. Like I said, their care is super simple and I love working with them. Anything from the Rhacadactylus family is great IMO (go google chahoua and leachianus!) but I'm biased, haha.
Another really cool gecko that I personally have had my eye on is a Tokay (Gecko Gekko). Not too friendly at all, they can be quite aggressive but are beautiful display geckos. They get to about a foot long so need at least a 30g tank.
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Old 03-03-09, 04:01 AM   #28
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Re: Vivarium Upgrade Advice

Tokay (Gecko Gekko). Not too friendly
Yeah, my oldest son had one for several years. It bit him several times!
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