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Old 02-10-09, 03:14 PM   #61
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Re: how to get my humidity higher

Keeping a single animal as a "pet" is actually doing the species and it's intention on this earth a disservice.
After more thought, I'm curious about this statement. Why is keeping a single animal as a pet doing this species a disservice?

You don't get the difference between a snakes life in Africa compared to one in a 4 sided, glass tank, with people continually putting their hands in there to clean and just stare at the snake. Touching it.
(Bold added)

Do you really believe I don't get the difference between a snake living in the wild and one kept in captivity? I'm sorry to hear that; I'd hoped you had gotten to know me a bit better than that.

How often do you think I put my hands in there and touch my snake? "Continually" suggests that's all I do, day in and day out, 24/7.

How often do you clean your snake's plastic tub? How often do you replace/add water? How often do you handle your snake? I'm willing to bet that I clean, add water, and handle my snake no more often than you do, though of course I could be wrong.
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Old 02-10-09, 03:24 PM   #62
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Re: how to get my humidity higher

Julian said,
Chu, please dont assume that i have made any assumptions about the current health of your animal because i have never made any such statements.
And regarding my statement
Originally Posted by Chu'Wuti View Post
You've decided that Rubbermaid (or whatever brand you're using) tubs are perfect, which means that anything else is imperfect and therefore snakes kept in anything else cannot be doing well.
you responded:
Also please dont accuse me of this belief especially after reading my last post in this thread which clearly says otherwise.
Julian, I apologize--I combined you and Aaron in my response, and that was unfair to you. You are absolutely correct; you didn't make the assumptions, and you allowed the possibility that both kinds of enclosures could work. Thank you for pointing that out respectfully; I really appreciate it. I enjoy a discussion in which people share various opinions without attacking others for not having the same opinions; I respect those who offer their opinions without attacking others for not having the same opinions; and I appreciate being treated with respect even when I have different opinions.

I do recall that in another thread awhile back, there were various opinions about the nutritional value of different prey animals, and you were equally respectful there. I really admire that.
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Old 02-10-09, 03:35 PM   #63
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Re: how to get my humidity higher

Chu: The "disservice" statement is that because the snake isn't creating offspring to ensure the survival of the species. That is what the animals of the world do. It's what we (as humans) do. If you think deeply about it, it's truly what most of us strive to do in this world. Mate and bear offspring. We happen to have a higher brain function and thus we have our civilization. Another point is that because they aren't being bred, but being caught and shipped over to us for "pleasure" then it doesn't help the wild population.

I do believe my statement was harsh and very bold to say. That is my argument though and I know you'll just turn it around and say I'm just the same.

Now will you finally respond to the question that Kyle did? I've made suggestions (two) in regards to a different type of enclosure that isn't too expensive but yet can work to benefit both the animal better and yourself. I know people who keep their snakes in boaphiles (spacious ones) and they do fine. Boaphiles are designed for snakes. I've also stated that fish tanks CAN work but there's better. As I've just said (again) there's other options to just fish tanks without the 4-sided glass walls.
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Old 02-10-09, 04:00 PM   #64
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Re: how to get my humidity higher

See that is where you are making a mistake aaron, it isn't a better option per say it is an easier option. The fact is that either a tank or tub are good options and are equal as long as the conditions in each fit the snakes needs. but he tubs are easier and no one will debate that. if you are a competent person and persistant you can get the conditions right in a tank. i think this whole debate is going nowhere and that it is just a matter of opinion.

Let it go......tanks are prettier but harder to get the right conditions.........tubs are uglier but are easier to keep the right conditions............that is all there is to it there is no other arguemet.
"A rattlesnake that doesn't bite teaches you nothing."
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Old 02-10-09, 04:41 PM   #65
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Re: how to get my humidity higher

Alright I'm just going to drop it. To each their own but I don't find tanks very pretty for the most part.
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Old 02-10-09, 10:40 PM   #66
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Re: how to get my humidity higher

The "disservice" statement is that because the snake isn't creating offspring to ensure the survival of the species. That is what the animals of the world do. It's what we (as humans) do. If you think deeply about it, it's truly what most of us strive to do in this world. Mate and bear offspring.
I suspected that that is what you meant. So let me be sure I understand--I am doing my snake--which was purchased at a local petstore before I knew better (you've known this since approximately last June or July), and for which I have no genetic history--a disservice by not allowing it to breed, is that correct?

That is the same argument that people apply to their dogs and cats when they allow them to breed indiscriminately, with the result that we (at least in the U.S.) have very large unwanted dog and cat populations. Most of the unwanted animals are simply dumped--often in front of my house when they were too far gone (ill, starved) to save. Others are dumped at the dog pound to be destroyed; others are simply thrown out to fend for themselves and join a rapidly growing feral population of either species.

It is not an argument with which I can agree. I do not believe that purchasing a snake of the opposite sex of any morph and breeding it to this snake would be doing any positive service for the species as a whole, and it could be a huge disservice to the offspring--who would want them? Do YOU buy BPs of unknown genetic heritage? From what I've seen on this forum over the past seven months or so, most of you with long-time experience with BPs, e.g., you, Mykee, Julian, and I'm sure others, are into breeding unusual or favored morphs for which you need extensive genetic histories. My snake is not one you would have ever purchased, nor would you ever consider breeding it.

I do believe my statement was harsh and very bold to say. That is my argument though and I know you'll just turn it around and say I'm just the same.
I'm not sure I understand these two sentences.

Another point is that because they aren't being bred, but being caught and shipped over to us for "pleasure" then it doesn't help the wild population.
That I definitely agree with. None of us, as I think you recognize, are helping the wild population directly by keeping captive snakes. However, three thoughts come to mind:

1) by breeding the snakes here in captivity, many of you are learning a great deal about these snakes that may indeed help the wild population in the future. As we learn more about genetic diversity, we understand more about its importance in survival of a species.

2) by breeding BPs in captivity, you may keep these beautiful animals alive when the wild population is no longer able to survive because its habitat has been destroyed by the encroachment of humans or by global warming changing the climate there too much. I foresee a future, a sad one to be sure, when few animals will exist in the wild, and those species that will still be alive will primarily be the ones that humans have preserved in zoos and as "pets." It's not a future I like believing in, but I think it is undeniable that that is where we are headed.

3) the snake I have was already here in the U.S., in that local pet store where I found it. Though I may be contributing to the disservice being done to the wild population--if indeed this snake was wild caught and not captive bred, which I take leave to doubt--I probably did a great service for this particular individual, as the next batch of BPs I saw at that particular store were not doing very well. So perhaps I have saved its life; on the other hand, I could be exaggerating the service I have done for this particular BP, as I don't know what its future would have been had I not bought it.

Now will you finally respond to the question that Kyle did? I've made suggestions (two) in regards to a different type of enclosure that isn't too expensive but yet can work to benefit both the animal better and yourself.
Apparently you have forgotten that I asked for your suggestions several days ago regarding more appropriate enclosures, and you provided several suggestions. Let me quote what you told me then:

If you want to outright buy an enclosure then there's a few in the states I can recommend. Animal Plastics from what I've heard, are terrific. I haven't heard anything lately of them but I do believe they are still in business and make a great product.

Jeff Ronne at boaphile also makes enclosures. I've seen these first hand and they aren't bad. They have a lot of options to choose from so you can customize them fairly well.

Those are the two I would look into first. There's also Vision cages and I do believe freedom breeder may also make more than just rack systems.

You can build your own but it can be a bit of a hassle. It's certainly cheaper for the material but you make up for that in time.
I copied all of that information and stored it in my extensive and growing snake information folder. I didn't think it necessary for me to repeat myself regarding my desire to find/create a more suitable enclosure. My apologies for ignoring your question this time.

I don't find tanks very pretty for the most part.
I'd post a picture of mine, which I think is fairly pretty even if it is the "wrong" kind of enclosure, but I'm almost afraid to do so!

Aaron, thank you very, very much for responding as you did in your last two posts--I feel much more comfortable with the less inflammatory rhetoric. I have learned a great deal from you, and I have a great deal of respect for your experience and knowledge. However, I, and many other people, learn better when we are given information politely and respectfully. I have always told my students that there is no stupid question--ignorance is something to eradicate through education. Quite often, the question that students are afraid to ask because they don't want to be perceived as stupid or ignorant is the question that about 80% of the students have on their minds; someone has to be brave enough to ask it so that they can all learn.

Thank you for your patience.

Last edited by Chu'Wuti; 02-10-09 at 10:43 PM.. Reason: spelling correction, vlarity
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Old 02-10-09, 11:42 PM   #67
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Re: how to get my humidity higher

chu post pics of your enclosure please i like to see other peoples so i can make adjustments on mine and make it better.
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Old 02-11-09, 04:48 AM   #68
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Re: how to get my humidity higher

Originally Posted by Chu'Wuti View Post
My snake is not one you would have ever purchased, nor would you ever consider breeding it.
I may not prefer to purchase a normal male ball python but I have owned them and nothing is out of the question in regards to breeding. Maybe your snake has some great markings I would like to see passed down into other offspring.

Also, you're right in regards to domestic animals. Although I don't think it's entirely the same for reptiles. For the most part, reptiles can't live in North America. I do know there's now feral burmese pythons in Florida and that's due to people releasing their animals and being terrible owners.

The first sentence is me saying maybe my comment was missplaced. The second sentence is me sticking by my argument or at least explaining it regardless of what I think about it. (I tend to argue for the fun of arguing)

I'm sorry I forgot about the other enclosure post. I also have no doubt that you probably did save the life of your ball python.
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Old 02-11-09, 10:23 AM   #69
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Re: how to get my humidity higher

haha i argue just for the fun of arguing too!!!! im glad other people on here are the same way. im also going to apoligize now for any future arguements where i piss someone off.
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Old 02-11-09, 11:09 AM   #70
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Re: how to get my humidity higher

Post your pics!
You know a few of us will have nothing negative to say...
When I get my custom units delivered I will post their pics, right now, a bit disorganized.
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Old 02-11-09, 10:56 PM   #71
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Re: how to get my humidity higher

I have 2 balls in a 55 gallon aquarium and I'm having the same problem. I have not moved my heat light source above the water bowl and put a towel over 2/3 of my screen top. I don't see any vapor on the glass but I'm going to get a hygrometer this weekend and see what the levels are.

I have noticed that the tubs that a lot of people are using are excellent for humidity, but I got snakes to view and don't like the look of the tubs.

I have a nice sized hide in thier house that I made out of a flower pot. The little ball which is about 2 foot long seems to like it. She comes out at night and moves around a bit. The bigger ball which is 3 feet long doesn't seem to care for a hide. I had 2 different ones in the aquarium now and he always go to oppisite side of the aquarium.

As far as substrate I'm using aspen but I'm not misting because I don't want to grow any mold.

What alerted me that the humidity is way to low was the fact that when my little one shed the skin didn't come off well. I have only had the 2 for about a month or so, so I'm trying to tweak here and their for the best results for the 2 balls to be as happy as they can be.

Next I want to build a coffee table aquarium so that I can show them off and not have things so cluttered up.
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Old 02-13-09, 09:54 AM   #72
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Re: how to get my humidity higher

Originally Posted by MurderAuction View Post
I have 2 balls in a 55 gallon aquarium and I'm having the same problem. I have not moved my heat light source above the water bowl and put a towel over 2/3 of my screen top. I don't see any vapor on the glass but I'm going to get a hygrometer this weekend and see what the levels are.

I have noticed that the tubs that a lot of people are using are excellent for humidity, but I got snakes to view and don't like the look of the tubs.

I have a nice sized hide in thier house that I made out of a flower pot. The little ball which is about 2 foot long seems to like it. She comes out at night and moves around a bit. The bigger ball which is 3 feet long doesn't seem to care for a hide. I had 2 different ones in the aquarium now and he always go to oppisite side of the aquarium.

As far as substrate I'm using aspen but I'm not misting because I don't want to grow any mold.

What alerted me that the humidity is way to low was the fact that when my little one shed the skin didn't come off well. I have only had the 2 for about a month or so, so I'm trying to tweak here and their for the best results for the 2 balls to be as happy as they can be.

Next I want to build a coffee table aquarium so that I can show them off and not have things so cluttered up.

Please go and read some other threads highlighting WHY 2 balls 1 cage is a bad idea!
and 2 different sized balls is worse. READ THEM
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Old 02-13-09, 10:21 AM   #73
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Re: how to get my humidity higher

im not sure he is talking about the same cage. i hope he has two tanks each with only one snake in it. he didn't specify at least that i could see that they are or aren't in the same tank.
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Old 02-13-09, 10:42 AM   #74
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Re: how to get my humidity higher

Also, it's better to have your water bowl on the cool side, right under the lamp it can grow bacteria if it's not changed very often.
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Old 02-13-09, 12:55 PM   #75
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Re: how to get my humidity higher

yes siz, but having the water bowl under the heat lamp makes for a lot more humidity. also i keep one under the heat emitter and one on the cool side and neither have grown mold. the water, at least in my tank, evaportates kinda quick so every morning or night i usually use the sprayer and fill the water bowls back all the way up. also it makes the water move which bacteria and mold dont like.
"A rattlesnake that doesn't bite teaches you nothing."
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