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Old 02-25-08, 10:01 AM   #1
Join Date: Feb-2008
Posts: 18
First Boa

I presently have corn snakes but would really like to get a Boa. I would like a snake that would grow to around 5-6' any suggestions? I saw pictures of a really beautiful Boa that has markings almost flouresent blue. Any ideas what strain this would be? I really don't mind going all out money wise as this will be a pet that will be with me for a long time.
Any suggestions for color and size limits?
All help welcomed!
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Old 02-25-08, 06:57 PM   #2
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Re: First Boa

the one i think you are talking about i believe is a brazilian rainbow boa which are really awsome looking snakes, but from what i understand they are very tempermental snakes and not very good for people that havnt worked with those type of snakes before. my personal suggestion is some sort of red tail boa. if money is not an issue you could get a really cool one like and salmon hypo or sunglow. they are a bit pricey but they are incredible looking. most red tails usually get around 7-10 feet long but it takes many years for them to get to that size. you could also try getting a ball python, maybe even a high gold or pieball ball python. those are also a little more pricey but regular balls are pretty cheap and great snakes. they get around 6 feet long ussually. if i was you i would look into getting a sub adult columbian or peruvian red tail. that way they are already gaining weight but not large yet. they are really great snakes
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Old 02-26-08, 05:17 PM   #3
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Re: First Boa

A lot have told be that a ball python is more what I would enjoy as a long term pet. There grown size and the vast difference of the morphs just seems the way to go?! Any advice on a type to start with, seems the hybred Morphs are pretty pricey and I think I would need 3-4 females and 2 males in case (hope not) something would happen to the male????
I am sure ounce I got started I could maybe sell some of the normals which would really help to buy a nice Morph. Very least I would think I could trade for supplies???
Any and all device welcome!
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Old 02-26-08, 11:30 PM   #4
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Re: First Boa

well first off if you have never even owned a constrictor before i would not recomend you start to try breeding right away. its not something that you could just jump right into, plus its not exactly cheap either. im not a big fan of balls anyway but if i was to get one i would get a jungle spider morph cuz they look alot more interesting. or super high gold. in my opinion red tail boas have alot more to offer in terms of morphs and also i think they have some crazy patterns and colors where as ball pythons dont seem too interesting to me.
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Old 02-27-08, 12:00 PM   #5
Arilyns mom
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Re: First Boa

Hi Bill
I have an Argentina Rainbow boa and she is great. when i got her i was told that they have to be handled alot to have them social. mine is wonderful she is not head shy or snapy if she hungry. she doesn't like to snap at the food like our other boas. there is one in the clasifieds on this site for sale.
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Old 04-26-08, 02:38 PM   #6
Mad Snake Boy
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Re: First Boa

Hey Bill, i have 2 hogg island boas and they are great. To me the markings are beautiful and feed very well. Im taking my ball pythons back tomoz as i cant get them to eat. Hope this helps
Ben Telford
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Old 04-30-08, 03:32 PM   #7
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Re: First Boa

Originally Posted by freetv-5 View Post
A lot have told be that a ball python is more what I would enjoy as a long term pet. There grown size and the vast difference of the morphs just seems the way to go?! Any advice on a type to start with, seems the hybred Morphs are pretty pricey and I think I would need 3-4 females and 2 males in case (hope not) something would happen to the male????
I am sure ounce I got started I could maybe sell some of the normals which would really help to buy a nice Morph. Very least I would think I could trade for supplies???
Any and all device welcome!
Well Hello Bill you might wanna hit H3 Forums you just became a MOD.
Female Ball Python "Scarlet"
Female Ball Python "Sophia"
Male Suriname "Morpheus"
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Old 10-03-08, 07:15 PM   #8
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Re: First Boa

Dude, your thinking aabout a BRB(Brazilian Rainbow Boa) and I know alot of people say their moody but not all of them are, like mine is an angel so you need to see and hold that perticular snake before you say its moody and a bad first timer pet.
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Old 10-03-08, 10:23 PM   #9
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Re: First Boa

Originally Posted by spikes666 View Post
well first off if you have never even owned a constrictor before i would not recomend you start to try breeding right away. its not something that you could just jump right into, plus its not exactly cheap either. im not a big fan of balls anyway but if i was to get one i would get a jungle spider morph cuz they look alot more interesting. or super high gold. in my opinion red tail boas have alot more to offer in terms of morphs and also i think they have some crazy patterns and colors where as ball pythons dont seem too interesting to me.
Are you kidding me?? There are tons of Ball Python morphs! Here is a link that lists alot of them:
NERD - New England Reptile Distributors - NERD's Ball Python Collection

If you want a boa, I say go for a BRB or a Hog Island boa.
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Old 11-12-08, 06:43 PM   #10
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Re: First Boa

Originally Posted by freetv-5 View Post
I presently have corn snakes but would really like to get a Boa. I would like a snake that would grow to around 5-6' any suggestions? I saw pictures of a really beautiful Boa that has markings almost flouresent blue. Any ideas what strain this would be? I really don't mind going all out money wise as this will be a pet that will be with me for a long time.
Any suggestions for color and size limits?
All help welcomed!
Brazilian rainbow Boa. it only looks that blueish color when there is direct light on it. It grows to about 6 feet and are wonderful little pets (as long as you dont mind getting nipped when they are young)
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Old 11-13-08, 04:38 PM   #11
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Re: First Boa

They are dazzling when the light hits 'em just right!
Best wishes finding what you're looking for.
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