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Old 11-10-05, 10:19 AM   #1
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do i need to feed more???

my ??? is very simple, but i dont know the answer.(lol) i have a red tail boa and she is eating 1 pre killed large rat. she is about 5 foot and a lil over 1 year. the thing is i think she can eat more than just 1 at her feeding all my snakes eats every sunday. and they are very set on that. but it seems that she can eat more. there is no bulge when she is done and by wed. she seems as if she wants more. but i dont want to over do her at one time and if i feed her during the week then i cant handle her. all my snakes get handled often,please dont jump on me for it, i truely think they enjoy it, they are all ready to come out when its there turn(i guess i have them spoiled but anyway) i have been wanting to ask this. and i have put up a few other threads on other things. i have learnd a lot from this web site. and greatful to everyone for if anyone can help i would love it.
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Old 11-10-05, 11:19 AM   #2
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Try feeding her a jumbo size rat or perhaps a suitably sized rabbit at her normally scheduled feeding.

Allow her time to digest her meal however before handling. Also consider feeding your bigger snakes every 10 days rather than every 7.

You suggest that your snakes are 'set' on their regular feeding times. Remember in the wild they are opportunistic feeders and only eat when there is prey to be had. Hence snakes are generally 'hungry', in the event they could face a long wait before the next meal.

I agree with you that many frequently handled snakes, especially Bcs, seem to enjoy the handling sessions; it does provide them with a new set of stimulants and a little stretching and gives you a chance to examine them up close.

Have fun with your snakes.
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Old 11-10-05, 12:04 PM   #3
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If anyone "jumps on you" for handling your snakes regularly, they are an idiot. I handle mine on a regular basis, they seem to enjoy it and it keeps them very tame. I have a female Suriname Redtail that my fiance calls my "lap snake" as she will curl up on me and apparently sleep while I watch TV. Also, with regular handling, I never have the problem of always exhibiting a feeding response when I open the cage door. If I wanted animals I couldn't interact with, I would get some fish. I do leave them alone for 48 hours after feeding, though.
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Old 11-10-05, 02:07 PM   #4
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i agree with your hadling, i try and do the same thing with my snakes but i have no choice, i have a burm, retic, scrub python, and anaconda, they all get big so i try to handle them as much as possible to keep them "tame"

as for feeding just upgrade the size of prey and wait like 8-10 days,

my burm will eat a 9 lbs rabbit and i wont touch him for a week then i dont feed him for about another 2 weeks even if he looks hungry. so he get a meal every 3 weeks
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Old 11-10-05, 03:41 PM   #5
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Also feeding a snake too much does a lot more damage than feeding it less often. Lots of food and "powerfeeding", ie too big a meal too often, makes the snake fat and will shorten its lifespan dramatically, also making it very big very quickly. This is normally quite obvious because the snake has a very small head for it's body size. Handling them is a good idea not only because its fun and it keeps the snake tame, but also because its great excersize for a lazy snake.
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Old 11-11-05, 08:53 AM   #6
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thank yall very much!!! my only other prob. is around here( Baton rouge l.a) i can only find the size rats that i feed. so should i go with 2 maby. and i do wait 3 days before i handle any of them. and i have heard that boas become very attached to 1 person. she loves to be with me. my b/f has handled her only a hand full of times, and she seems a lil jumpy with him but very calm with me, its kind-of like i have her spoiled i guess lol but anyway like i said should i just feed 2 or would that be to much at one time. o and by the way i am not tryin to power feed thats just the times and sizes i feed ( well at leat i dont think i am lol) thanks to yall again!!!
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Old 11-11-05, 10:19 AM   #7
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Yes feed her two rats at one feeding if she is able to handle them, but try to be more flexible on her feeding schedule; 7 days, 10 days or 14 days or whatever between feeds is fine, as long as she's healthy and continues to thrive.

I agree that snakes are able to recognise certain individuals with whom they are very comfortable and relaxed, but seem to be more wary of other individuals and not so relaxed.

Tell your boy friend to warm his hands, and try a different aftershave!! It might work.

Last edited by tonyj; 11-11-05 at 10:21 AM.. Reason: spelling error
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Old 11-11-05, 10:31 AM   #8
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A juvenile boa like that should probably be eating one item of prey every week. The size should be approximately the same girth as the snake. If you are having problems getting the size you need, try here:

Hope that helps.
If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.
Let him step to the music he hears, however measured or far away. - Thoreau
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Old 11-11-05, 11:17 AM   #9
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but the ???? is can i over feed her??? i dont want to feed to much at one time
thanks again
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Old 11-11-05, 11:45 AM   #10
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Yes, you can overfeed and that can and will shorten her lifespan. I'm a little curious as to whether or not she is only a year old at 5 ft. That is a big yearling. Avg is 36 inches at year old. If she is 5' at 1 year I would consider feeding her every 10 days max. Your snake will be healthier if you feed her more conservatively then over feeding. Rather er on the side of caution. By giving two large rats that would be doubling her meal and if they are approximately the size of her girth then I fear the increased risk of regurg. Most snakes recover from regurg okay but for some it can cause an increased risk for future regurg and will effect the health of your snake.
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Old 11-11-05, 12:23 PM   #11
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Thumbs up feeding too much??

It sounds like you really care about your snake. As a animal behavorist I applaud that you take her out and handle her. Snakes may not the most intelligent of animals, but they still have a much more stimulating environment in the wild.

If you feel you need to increase her food intake do it by giving two smaller rats than you are currently feeding her. If you give her two rats that are just slightly more than half the size of what you are feeding now that will inrease her food intake only a little. It will be less lilkely to stress her causing regurgitation.

You could also alternate giving her one lg rat one time aand then two smaller rats the next.

There have been scientific studies showing that feeding a reduced amount of feed extends the life span. I am sure that snakes do not get the generous level of food in the wild that we are inclined to feed them as our pets. :greenflam :greenflam
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Old 11-11-05, 12:33 PM   #12
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dont worry about over feeding, just give the appropriate size prey once a week and you will be fine if you need to feed it a 200g rat for example and you cant find a 200g give it 2 100g rats.

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Old 11-11-05, 03:33 PM   #13
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thanks again i will try to find smaller rats around here. and yes she is alil big i know but she is not like over weight big, i have records of every pinky to every rat this snake have ever eaten from the time it was bought so i know how old all my snakes are i went get my books and she was born june 04 by my books she was 6 weeks old and bought 8-04-04 so around that age lol....i dont know if everyone else does this sort of thing but i know every shed and everymeal they all have ever eaten. i do it just in case anything ever happens to them .......but anyway like i said i will try to find maby 2 smaller rats for her. does anyone else keep books like this or am i just a lil diff from others lol thanks again.....i wish i had good pics of her to show that i think about it all of my snakes are a lil on the big side my lil female ball is 8 months and about 2 and a half feet and my male is about 1year and 9 months and about 3 and a half feet so are they to big also lol ....i dont know all i know is that i love my snakes like kids and takes care of them just as well lol
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Old 11-11-05, 04:18 PM   #14
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I agree that snakes are able to recognise certain individuals with whom they are very comfortable and relaxed, but seem to be more wary of other individuals and not so relaxed.
I think it has less to do with WHO is hadnling and more to do with the way they are handled. I let my friends hold mine and tehre are some who are very relaxed and just let them do their own thing. But people who are a little more tense or nervous and haven't held snakes much or at all before the snake tends to pick up on that and act accordingly. just my observation.
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Old 11-11-05, 09:11 PM   #15
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yea i guess, but he is very used to all the snakes i think she just likes me more lol

my new ???? is ....does anyone else keep these records like i do???
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0.1.0 col. red tail
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