well I'd love to tell you for sure but I cannot as i did not have success with the actual mating, my female was showing receptive colours but male did nothing but bob his head.
Now from my understanding temps are not as important as increasing the daylight hours, and increasing the amount of misting to stimulate the rainy season.
If you do this correctly your female will show receptive colours ( usually a light pinkish colour) when introduced to the male. The male will respond with a series of head bobbing and SHOULD approach the ready and willing female.
This is where i had trouble. After two weeks of putting them together and getting no response but head bobbing and running away from the male, on the last day I tried giving them some privacy and left them alone fora couple hours. THIS IS NOT SOMETHING YOU SHOULD DO FROM THE START.
When first introduced it is imperative that you keep a close eye on them. From my understanding and from watching it on dvd chameleon mating rituals are pretty rough. The male usually pins down the female with his feet and sometimes bitting of the back of the neck can be involved. It is up to you to seperate them if it gets to agressive.
Though i dont think pulling them apart durring th actual ritual of intercourse is recommended. I imagine it could dammage the hemipein very badly.
After a sucessfull mating they should be seperated.
Within a few days the female will turn her gravid colours. Black bars with an orangish background. but thats anouther story.
good luck
"Hey! A shooting star...wait...dang, must've just turned my head to fast."
- Boomhauer