Eep. You really should have researched an Iguana first. They can be quite a handful.
Spinach is a no-no. It contains high levels of oxalic acid which binds calcium in the system. Romaine is ok, but offers little to no nutrition. Dandelion greens, mustard greens, chinese cabbage, watercress, collards, etc. all make much better choices. Strawberries, mandarins, kiwi, prickly pear, pear, squash, zucchini, canteloupe, cucumber, blueberries, and blackberries are good to feed as well. Variety is important with veggie eaters. Make sure you use a good calcium/d3 supplement, it doesn't hurt to occassionally dust with a vitamin supplement either.
They need a lot of climbing space, so make sure the enclosure has a lot of vertical space and things to safely climb on, with a basking light (mercury vapour bulbs are good) near the top. Outside dirt is fine, as is cypress mulch.
Good luck with your Iggy.