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Old 04-03-05, 02:28 PM   #1
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mouth infection????

My friends water dragon has had a mouth infection for like 4 months! and has tried everything. We think its from him banging his mouth on the semi aquatic aqurium glass? Any ideas on how to heal it or stop him from running into the glass would be greatly appreciated!

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Old 04-03-05, 03:17 PM   #2
Join Date: Jan-2003
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You need to get him treated with antibiotics, a trip to the veterinarian should cost you no more then $75.00 with meds most likely.

One idea to get him to stop banging himself on the glass is to get a larger aquarium so that he has room to run.
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Old 04-03-05, 09:59 PM   #3
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depending on the severity, you could treat it easily.

Goto the pharmacist and purchase some Betadine, and peroxide. (you need to ask the pharm for betadine, it isn't on shelf)

Daily application of peroxide, and then a coating of betadine (it stains the sore) will cure it up fast. As Gino said, you MAY need antibiotics if the infection has gone into the system, but not always the case and more than often vets prescribe meds too quickly and who knows what they do to the reptile if not needed?

To avoid the nose rub, chances are you need a larger enclosure with more cover, climbing space etc. I would recommend buying some wood, water sealing it and then constructing an enclosure. (4 tall, 2 wide 4 long) Are the dimensions ive always used with aussies, chinese etc with no problems.
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