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Old 12-04-02, 04:42 PM   #1
Join Date: Nov-2002
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Age: 41
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I recently acquired a red tailed boa, heres the story;
the body piercer at the tattoo shop that my husband works at also runs a halfway house for people in recovery. there was a guy there that had the boa, and he could not keep it there, so the piercer asked if we would be willing to look after it for a while. we (of course) said yes, even though we have NO floor space left anymore. she is probably ~4 or 5 feet, she seems healthy enough, but her right eye was severely damaged by a rat when she was little (another testament to feeding pre killed ) her cage is adequate size, but im gonna get her some logs to climb on. are there any big differences between boas and pythons? i dont think the guy is going to pay us, so we will probably end up keeping her, cause hes a tweeker. and i want to be able to care for her the best i can. anything i should know? this ups my count to 5 snakes, 2 burmese, a ball, and a hognose.
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Old 12-04-02, 06:03 PM   #2
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Well there isnt all that much differant... offer him a hot spot of 88 - 90, pretty much the same requirements as your ball python... You should be fine! is offline  
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