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Old 03-15-05, 01:39 AM   #1
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Question Suggestion on new lizard?

My girlfriend and I are looking for a lizard to fill our empty tank and were looking for some suggestions? What do you guys think? The dimensions are 36"L x 24"H x 18"W and it has to be something that doesn't need alot of humidity because it has a screen top on it. As well as something that preferably eats mice b/c my g/f is scared stiff of crickets. She can hold a 6' Jungle Carpet Python without a problem but when she sees a cricket she freaks out! Haha Weirdo! Any help is appreciated~!
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Old 03-15-05, 01:51 AM   #2
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Good luck then, most lizards eat crickets or the likes as staple diet. If she can stand mealworms you have options.
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Old 03-15-05, 02:28 AM   #3
Jason Wakelin
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How about Pink Tongued Skinks? The one that I worked with ate snails and slugs, as well as worms. Humidity would not be a problem if you spray the tank and partially cover the screen lid.

There are other lizards that fall into your parameters but not too many. Unfortunately the majority of them would outgrow the enclosure you describe in a year or two, if not sooner.

The real question here is, does your girlfriend hate all insects? or just crickets? If it is just crickets you have no worries. There are people who never feed crickets to their insectivorus animals. Other options include (but are not limited to); mealworms, superworms, waxworms, butterworms, silkworms, and cockroaches. All of which are easily available in this country. I've also heard rumors of grasshoppers and wingless house flies on the market. And this does not include insects that you can catch during the spring/summer/fall.

If she hates all insects you are really limited, mostly by the dimensions of your cage. To be honest, most of the smaller lizard species being bred and sold in this country eat bugs. Those that don't eat bugs can be hard to find and expensive.

Hope this helped,

Jason Wakelin
Old 03-15-05, 09:28 AM   #4
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Well...she said that the worms aren't so bad and that she could deal with them. I am trying to convince her that we should get a beardie though
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Old 03-15-05, 09:37 AM   #5
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A blue tongued skink would work well in your situation, though the tank is a little too tall. My blue tongued sometimes eats superworms and butterworms, but never crickets. Bts are omnivores.
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Old 03-16-05, 09:13 AM   #6
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I forget what type of lizzard it is as I'm no to this. But it looks like a beardie only iwth a short fat prickly tail. Eats veggies only. Thank it starts with an O. Anyways wont have to worry bout crickets with that.
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Old 03-16-05, 01:54 PM   #7
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My g/f was talking to her brother who has quite a few snakes and lizards himself, and she said that she heard/researched a lizard called a Euromastic?? Kind of looks like a beardie I quess but it eats veggies and fruit...anyone heard of this reptile before?
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Old 03-16-05, 02:06 PM   #8
Manitoban Herps
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Yes a Uromastyx
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Old 03-16-05, 03:37 PM   #9
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dont they get to big for that tank though
enough animals. finally lowerd my herp collect to 40
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Old 03-17-05, 08:45 AM   #10
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onate uromastyx isnt it?
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