The crested gecko diet actually is quite good, and many breeders will swear by it.
Babyfood by itself is pretty incomplete. Technically, crickets are as well since cresteds eat so much fruit in the wild. In fact, the CGD is so complete, that supposedly you do not even have to add supplements when feeding it. (Exclusively, I'd assume.)
Also, it's a lot different than dog food...
All the same, I prefer to give a varied diet. Superworms, silkworms, roaches, mealworms, CGD and babyfood. This is possible with geckos.
Very few people are going to feed their dogs a steady supply of rodents, rabbits, live game animals, etc.
There are some dog foods with fantastic ingredients, although they are more expensive.
The BARF diet has many of its own problems, on top of the fact that it may just be too hard for some people to manage or afford.
I think arguing this is fruitless. People prefer different things for different reasons. Both have pros and cons. Both work for the dogs...
And anyway, back to the original subject...
That puppy is really darn cute.