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Old 12-27-04, 02:19 AM   #106
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Originally posted by Manitoban Herps

Looks like he mentioned your name there and he never had too.
Yeah, only to help sell the animal.
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Old 12-27-04, 02:26 AM   #107
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Originally posted by CHRISANDBOIDS14

Mods, im sorry I have brought it up again, but I just want to end it, as I see no more need for anyone to post about it. Please, if you have a concern about what I have said, feel free to PM me or just reply to the thread, as(no-one take offense to this, but the gist/actions display this) everyone im sure would love to hear more argueing(sp?).
Im pretty sure it was only mentioned those couple of times by the mods to point out that what he did was wrong... I'd hate to have to count how many times Tony brought it up.. Also, I originally asked Tony/Romeo to email or PM me with their answer, Tony decided to do it publicly..

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Old 12-27-04, 02:35 AM   #108
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Yes, I do remember that Matt. I understand. However, I dont see why it had to be pointed out AGAIN....TWICE.......LOL.

Thanks. Cheers Matt!

Tony: Good on ya not to drink, I never intend on drinking. Egg nog is great!

0.2 Bloods for Sale. Adult and juvinile. PM me for details.
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Old 12-27-04, 02:39 AM   #109
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Sorry for the double post, but...


Here is a quick question. There was the big issue about copyright things about the pictures Tony posted. How many of you can honestly say that they have a signed release saying you can use the picture in your Avatar? I know I sure dont. Ok, mine is on the selections page for, which obviously means go ahead and use it, but I never got a signed release saying I could use it meaning could sue me. (PLEASE DONT JEFF!!!!, LOL)


0.2 Bloods for Sale. Adult and juvinile. PM me for details.
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Old 12-27-04, 02:46 AM   #110
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Originally posted by CHRISANDBOIDS14
Sorry for the double post, but...


Here is a quick question. There was the big issue about copyright things about the pictures Tony posted. How many of you can honestly say that they have a signed release saying you can use the picture in your Avatar? I know I sure dont. Ok, mine is on the selections page for, which obviously means go ahead and use it, but I never got a signed release saying I could use it meaning could sue me. (PLEASE DONT JEFF!!!!, LOL)


Using a photo without personal gain would only require consent; my problem is putting a copyright on a photo that does not belong to you (as was done in this case). When you copyright something you claim ownership to it; just because you own the animal in the pic doesn't mean you own the picture of that animal.

BTW, I contacted NERD before I used one of their pics as my avatar.

Last edited by Ron; 12-27-04 at 02:56 AM..
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Old 12-27-04, 03:11 AM   #111
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Old 12-27-04, 03:28 AM   #112
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Old 12-27-04, 03:41 AM   #113
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It's clearly obvious that you DIDNT read ANY Of what I said.. Well, rather you didn't pay attention to it.. Rather just took what you wanted out of what I said..

As I CLEARLY said:
Oh, and correct me if I'm wrong Tony, but don't you have a snake named Romeo????????
Yet, you reply like this???

please check before you start something with false comments.
I was asking you a question Tony, those funny little characters at the end of the QUESTION are infact, question marks..

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Old 12-27-04, 03:55 AM   #114
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Old 12-27-04, 04:02 AM   #115
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Old 12-27-04, 04:05 AM   #116
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In regards to Rich Ihle or Pete Kahl, or whoever the reason there names are there is because I BOUGHT the animal directly from them and THEY actually produced the animal or I am differentiating it from one strain to another. IE Kahl or Sharp strain. I am giving them the recognition.

As for you taking money from me I guess if I was all about that why would I have sold any animals at all to anyone in Canada.

To be totally truthfull I gave you all info I had or had learned or had tried so you could be successful at it in the future. All I know you know now whether right or wrong or whatever.

If I was trying to keep you down why would I tell you everything I could possibly think of in order to make sure your animals did well. Why would we talk about up and coming projects down the road (not mine) but ones to get into. Why would I share all that info with you? Many breeders do not share this info.

Lest you forget Tony I work as well and make a very comfortable living and I have never had anyone give me a cent towards my hobby. What I have I have earned on my own and I would hope that many other people in Canada can do the same.

There is plenty of room for everyone to breed and sell animals down the road in Canada as the prices come down the demand will go up. New people will get into it and so on. So you or I or anyone else can sell their animals and make a few bucks and have some fun at it. I beleive we had that conversation over the phone last week where I told you that worrying about competition is a waste of time or maybe you forgot.

As for prices here it all depends on what and how many are produced, how they look etc. Why do Dumerils sell for $600 plus a pair in Canada while they sell for less than some corn snakes in the U.S.

Why do womas go for $4000 a pair in Canada and sell for like $1200 a pair in The U.S.

Why are Argentines $750 a pair in Canada and they can't give them away in the States.

The list is endless!!

Avoid the point everyone was trying to make at all costs Tony and try to twist this in every way possible.

Do you ever wonder why C.M. sent you the female salmon with no $$$ up front? Maybe it was becasue he was desperate to make a sale and no one was buying his animals. Why do you think he sent so many animals to me to sell? If I was out to get him why would I sell his animals for him without taking a cent, because he was my friend Tony or so I thought at the time!!

Or did he send you the salmon because I vouched for you and reassured him that he would get the money without having to worry.

Wouldn't it have made sense to tell him you were shady so I could get the animal for myself since I am all about the money and keeping you down. Maybe I should have bought the animal from under you as he did offer it to me first but I knew you were interested so I passed on it.

Ahh the conspiracy theories you got to love em.

As for the lecture on drinking save it as I rarely if ever drink but crap like this is driving me to it.

What is your excuse for the hallucinations you are experiencing at this moment.

Get some rest


Last edited by BigDan; 12-27-04 at 04:31 AM..
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Old 12-27-04, 05:56 AM   #117
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Old 12-27-04, 07:45 AM   #118
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Two faced? Tony I'm sorry you thought we were life long friends because you added me to your msn list. Just because you send someone links everyday to your post of the same animals over and over again does not make them your life long friend. If you saw any change in my attitude towards you it was because I was getting sick of you contacting me every day like a kid looking for help and attention.
And as for you trying to stire the pot between Matt and I, well all I can say is this; there is nothing I ever said to you about Matt or this site I haven't already said to Matt himself. Matt and I have had it out a few times and I've told him what I thought of him in the past and him me and we're cool. Matt knows me a hell of a lot better then you do buddy and one thing he does know about me is that I'm nothing like you. If he wants to know where my head is at he knows that if he ask I'll tell him the truth.
One more thing, there is nothing I said here that I wouldn't have said to you on MSN so don't make it sound like I went behind your back. I asked if you were posting pics of snake that you didn't take. I asked you if you were putting your copy right on pics you didn't take and I asked you if you were posting pics of animals you didn't actually have in your home even though you said you did. Like I said I would have asked you that stuff on MSN but as soon as I started asking you about the pic of the snow boa you turned deffensive. Now how exactly did I stab you in the back?
I think it is you that loves the drama Tony. I think you are one of those people that lives for the attention they get on line. The sad part is you just pushed it a bit too far and your lies started to trip over each other. If you would just be yourself and not try to pretend you were something you aren't none of this would have happened. I asked some question you didn't want to answer because the answers were going to make you look bad and instead of just answering it and letting it end there you kept spinning tighter and tighter and with ever post more people were jumping on board.
Tony what do I have against you? Nothing, you've never wronged me. So don't think I was out to get you or planed this. You posted snakes and I asked you questions about thoes snakes. The rest was your doing, not mine.
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Old 12-27-04, 09:19 AM   #119
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Old 12-27-04, 10:19 AM   #120
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hey Tony how's the poker coming along?
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