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Old 11-16-02, 07:27 PM   #1
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I just read the thread about me from KING and I can't believe how ignorant some people are. I'm more hurt than mad, I never had anyone speak of me like that before and he doesn't even know me. I would like to give him the oppourtunity to aplogize, I don't know if KaHane will except it, He's pretty Pissed. Anyways, Thank you for all that supported me and especially to Jeff ******** and Shane Tesser for sending us the thread so I could read it personally. Let's not let one bad apple ruin things, This is a great site with great members, I'm glad I'm a part of it.
Thanks HELENA aka The other half of GenerAsian Exotics

P.S. Now if only I could calm KaHane down
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Old 11-16-02, 07:45 PM   #2
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Helena and Kahane.. your right its unfortunate when people choose to lash out at people for no reason but there own ignorance... I have took this as a personal attack seeing as it was his first post on the site and he and his IP will be banned at your request... let me know guys is offline  
Old 11-16-02, 07:49 PM   #3
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Helena you are an important part of the industry. Kahane and yourself are always welcome in my books. As for the individual that was shooting off, he has no idea the number of friends that the two of you have and will also be happy to stand behind you.

See if you can wake up Kahane on Sunday for the expo. I look forward to seeing you's at the usual time ten to four LOL..

If everyone could just get along this world would be better for all living things.
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Old 11-17-02, 12:13 PM   #4
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Heck If I knew that he was talking about you Helena I would have chosen better words to say to him when I replied to that thread. You and Kahane have been an excellent addition to this community and I hope this one bad experience doesn't make you feel any different about the rest of us. Anyways I hope you two keep up the great work, we value your input here and hope you guys can get at least an appology. For Kings sake I really hope that he choses to do the right thing here and appologize.
Snakes? I just like to teraform!
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Old 11-17-02, 12:59 PM   #5
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Wow...I don't know what to say..i seen the post,and really still do not believe it!Not a good way to start things off KING!!!
Comming on here and attacking GOOD people for no reason at all just is not cool,KaHane and Helena,have never had a bad thing to say about anyone on this forum,They have been kind and curtious users,and always helpfull.
I agree with KaHane, need to apologise for your remakrs!!
To everyone on this board,and ESPECIALLY Helena!she did not deserve that kind of treatment at all.
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Old 11-17-02, 01:06 PM   #6
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Um... Could you let me see the thread? I would like to see it... thanks!

Dan Conner
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Old 11-17-02, 06:14 PM   #7
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Helena....see my post "Hey I was Happy with you guys"
"I love the smell of Iguanas in the morning!"
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