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Old 12-14-04, 11:20 AM   #1
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new cages

With all the cages i made in the past months, i didint even had time to make some for my boas. So I finally decided to take a little extra time to think a bit about myself and i started making some black 48x24x16, i have a lot more to do to be able to fill my reptile room, but thats a good start! Her's a shot of the first 3 at the same time, it will give you a good idea of what a retic-plastics cage look like once all setup and decorated:

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Old 12-15-04, 02:04 AM   #2
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very very nice cage!!!
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Old 12-15-04, 07:12 AM   #3
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Those look amazing. Very simple and organized feel to it.
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Old 12-15-04, 04:48 PM   #4
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They look great! Glad you were able to find time in that busy schedule of yours to fit some in for your own collection!
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Old 12-16-04, 11:28 AM   #5
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thanks for the comments!

They look great! Glad you were able to find time in that busy schedule of yours to fit some in for your own collection!
Well i have a lot more to do, i need at least 6 more, plus some racks(so i can get rid of those crappy melamine racks that i have!) but i need to satisfy my costumers first!
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Old 12-17-04, 11:08 AM   #6
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Smile Reptile Cage

Great looking cage. It's obvious you been doing this awhile. Where did you get the material and what is it? I built one for a black rat snake that was on my back porch for about a month but never could catch it so I ended up putting a couple of corns in it since I had $200 tied up in it :-) I wanted to put sliding glass in it but couldn't find where to get the tracks. Overall it didn't turn out to bad for a first attempt. I used a waterbed heater control to regulate the heat light as well as a reastat. Not the best thermastat but it works and was cheap.
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Old 12-17-04, 11:30 AM   #7
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Great looking cage. It's obvious you been doing this awhile. Where did you get the material and what is it? I built one for a black rat snake that was on my back porch for about a month but never could catch it so I ended up putting a couple of corns in it since I had $200 tied up in it :-) I wanted to put sliding glass in it but couldn't find where to get the tracks. Overall it didn't turn out to bad for a first attempt. I used a waterbed heater control to regulate the heat light as well as a reastat. Not the best thermastat but it works and was cheap.
I manufacture plastic cages made of expanded PVC. I have been selling them across Canada since about a year. The material come from a plastic distributor, i get the track from another distributor in box of 25pc(8' lenght), but you can get them at reno-depot or Home depot.
Check our new website and get a chance to win a cage of your choice!
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Old 12-17-04, 03:49 PM   #8
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I was looking into having cages manufactured in lots at a local plastics company, and it came down to 350 bucks a unit for my quote. Absolutely nuts!

That was for a 24"x48"x12 cage too.

I've got the methylene chloride to do it myself but thought it might be fast and cheap to order 20 cages at once that way.

Doesn't even come close to your prices How do you make em for those prices?
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Old 12-17-04, 04:04 PM   #9
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I built mine out of melamine and plexiglass front. You may have meant to reply to boa_jay. He manufactures the plastic cages.

1.1 Corns, 0.0.1 W/C Black Rat snake, 0.0.1 W/C Rough Green snake, 1.5 Pekin Ducks, 0.1 GSD
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Old 12-17-04, 04:31 PM   #10
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I was looking into having cages manufactured in lots at a local plastics company, and it came down to 350 bucks a unit for my quote. Absolutely nuts!
well, i have to admit that the cost of material is relatively high, if i would have to pay someone to make them, it would defenetly be around 350$ per unit, but since i take care of the design, production, and everything else for the moment, i can come up with a pretty descent price for real high quality stuff. these cages are made from 1/4" thick plastic, wich make them strong and solid!
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Old 12-17-04, 10:22 PM   #11
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Just gorgeous, I am in the midst of making 1 room maybe more a full display look like that something like 20 cages I figure. Once I got the drywall and wiring complete we' ll chat on this project.

Email me a qoute with shipping to Manitoba.


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Old 12-17-04, 10:43 PM   #12
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I was thinking of 1/4" on the top and sides with a 1/2" bottom for extra reinforcement when stacking. Is there any give at all with 1/4" all around, or do you use a reinforcement to prevent bowing?
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Old 12-18-04, 06:11 AM   #13
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I was thinking of 1/4" on the top and sides with a 1/2" bottom for extra reinforcement when stacking. Is there any give at all with 1/4" all around, or do you use a reinforcement to prevent bowing?
the fact that the center piece is "hand molded" ad a lot of strenght to the structure. In tall cages (like 16" 18" or 24" high) you dont need any reinforcement because you can make the bottom and top lip larger, so that make the cage incredibly solid. In 48x24x12 per example, i have to had an aluminium reinforcement in the back of the front lip to prevent sagging. One thing you can also do is put a piece of 1/2" ply wood or MDF beetween the cages, but i desingned my cages so they can be stacked witouth anything beetween so they can be easly remoovable. Keep in mind that large adult boas can become pretty heavy, so thinner plastic wont be able to support the weight.
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Old 01-01-05, 08:05 AM   #14
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Jay those are the nicest cages I've ever seen!! easy to clean, stackable, light weight and probably strong too!! PERFECT!!
you would make a fortune if you dedicated yourself to making these fulltime excellent workmanship man!!

Last edited by herpers2; 01-01-05 at 08:12 AM..
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Old 01-01-05, 09:53 AM   #15
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you would make a fortune if you dedicated yourself to making these fulltime excellent workmanship man!!
Thanks for the comments! I actually am making these fulltime since more than 6 months!
Check our new website and get a chance to win a cage of your choice!
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