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Old 12-04-04, 06:31 PM   #16
Manitoban Herps
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Originally posted by RMBolton
(you wouldn't find a CB Eastern in Ontario)
I find that hard to beleive, someone could catch a pair breed them and sell the babys or someone could buy 1.1 easterns and breed them. But the point is you can not keep fowler toads in Ontario for sure, if anyone knows it, it is RMBolton
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Old 12-04-04, 07:03 PM   #17
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Originally posted by Manitoban Herps
I find that hard to beleive, someone could catch a pair breed them and sell the babys or someone could buy 1.1 easterns and breed them.
Eastern Hog-nosed Snakes are also designated as threatened by COSEWIC in Ontario. No one in their right mind would keep an E. Hog-nosed Snake in Ontario as there is way more heat on them then Fowler's toads (a conviction was recently laid on a man who killed two radio-tagged E. Hog-nosed Snakes in Ontario; so there is now precedent that the courts will prosecute).
In the many many years that I have been a part of the internet herp community I have never seen a CB Eastern Hog-nosed Snake offered for sale in Ontario. They make horrible captives and they are illegal, you'd never be able to sell the offspring without advertising and as soon as you advertise I'd make it a personal mission to see that person is brought up on every charge possible.
And you can't buy 1.1 Easterns and breed them in Ontario either, that's just as illegal as taking one from the wild and breeding it (the law makes no distinction).
These laws are a good thing. We shouldn't look at it like some bureaucrats are trying to take away all of our fun; these laws are in place so that these species continue to exist in Ontario.
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Old 12-04-04, 07:55 PM   #18
Manitoban Herps
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Thats interesting, good to know....what kind of charges happened to the man. I don't like someone like that being charged enless they did it to be mean to a snake, b/c EHS look like rattlers which also live in ONT so he may have got confused and was scared.

Was that the case?
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Old 12-04-04, 08:24 PM   #19
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well killing a snake that was no harm to anyone could be construed as being mean. He won't even have the option of claiming that he thought it was a massasauga rattler since they are protected too.
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Old 12-04-04, 08:43 PM   #20
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The maximum fines for an individual owning a protected species is in the tens of thousands of dollars...maybe 50k. For a company (pet store, importer etc) it's something like 300,000. I may be off a little bit. I looked it up recently, but I'm too lazy to do it again. That's a lot of scratch to be out for owning an ugly brown amphibian. I wonder if a breeder constitutes a company.

1 adult bull snake: "Dozer"; 1.1 juvenile bull snakes: Oscar and Phoebe; 3 baby red-sided garters; 1.1 macklot's pythons
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Old 12-05-04, 10:42 PM   #21
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Originally posted by CamHanna
Ontario has two native species of toad, the Eastern American Toad (Bufo americanus americanus) and the Fowler's Toad (Bufo fowleri). Both these species are off limits, regardless of their origin. They may be kept in provinces OTHER THAN ONTARIO.

In Ontario, as far as I know, every other species of toad is legal. I have seen Southern Toads, Oak Toads, Marine Toads and Green Toads all for sale in Ontario. Perhaps a similar, yet legal species, would be a better choice.

If you ARE NOT in Ontario then you can likely have all the Fowler's Toads you like.

Good Luck
Thanks for the head up~ I will keep my eyes open for the other species of toads
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