Yea Jon go check it out. Around here I get crickets for 10 cents each. More then 2 females can be housed together but it is possible that they may fight, but no likely. Also, if you are buying babies you can't tell the sex till about 6 months. So if your planning on buying babies you have to seperate them as soon as you see fighting or a buldge above it's tail (indicating its a male). So unless your prepared to keep two seperate crested enclosures then I would only buy one. Sexed females can and usually are more expensive then males and hatchlings. Going to find out if your pet store sells the crested gecko diet is a good idea and how much crickets are. My cresties get fed 5 or 6 crickets per feeding so at 10 cents a cricket it works out to about 2.40 a week. Breeding crickets is not a good idea unless you have many many geckos. They are stinky, cleaning their home is gross and they are a pain in the butt!
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