LOL Tony

It's been official ever since I first saw his adorable little face -- it was love at first sight.
B'sides, you're one to talk! *grin* I do believe I just saw a post somewhere on the site about you picking up a pair of amazons
Thanks Lisa & Kathy

And to answer your question -- yup, I'm definitely ready for my next one

I've got her all picked out too -- an absolutely beautiful BRB girl from Jeff F... her looks were enough to get me, but the real clincher was that she was born on my birthday... hehe

Once I heard that, I knew that I had to have her *grin*. I probably won't be bringing her home for a couple of months though *sigh*... I'm having enough trouble hiding Xander from my parents, nevermind bringing home another snake... so Jeff's hanging onto her for me until January, and fattening her up for me... LOL

Oh, and of course I have to find a beautiful girlfriend worthy of Xander... hehe...
After that -- we'll see

There's a bunch of stuff on my list, it's just a matter of finding the money to buy it, and having the space for it!