Congrats on the eggs! Which girl/s had them, do you know? Glad they are breedin for you!
None of the eggs I incubated grew at all, and the one that actually had a baby in it was the same size as a freshly laid egg. I wouldn't worry about having handled the eggs, as long as you keep them with the same side up and dont turn them over, as you could "drown" the embryo(sp?). Try to keep the temps a little lower if you can. Keep the humidity modest(so that you can see some condensation, but its not soaking in there) and keep the eggs off the humid substrate. HTH. When I had them, thats about all I knew, lol. Good luck and hope they hatch! I'd be interested in a baby from them if you get any too!
0.2 Bloods for Sale. Adult and juvinile. PM me for details.