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Old 10-21-04, 06:48 PM   #1
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Space Heater

I just came across this thing last week and decided to pick it up since, thanks to a dump of snow over the last week, it's freakin' winter out here again. I thought that those people with cooler snake rooms that are looking for a heating idea might like this.

I grabbed a little Bionaire ceramic space heater at Walmart for like 50 bucks. I'm sure there are others available at other stores that work just as well if you're looking.

Anyways, my room is about 10' x 10' and the nice thing about it is that it has a built in thermostat in it, so you set it and then it turns on only when the temp drops and turns off when it is above a set point.

The house is normally around 70 or so, but dips below that occasionally, so this makes sure that that room stays just right, even if the house is colder(pretty much only at night), but that it also isn't running all the time causing the room to get too hot.

It is set right now for about 70F(21C) and it maintains the whole room between 68-75F, which is just about right. Just got it last week, and am very impressed so far.
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Old 11-08-04, 06:31 AM   #2
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What sort of power does it use though? Every space heater i've ever seen was a total pig on the watt consumption side.
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Old 11-08-04, 02:40 PM   #3
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Same here... I've never seen one below 1000 watts.
- Ken LePage
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Old 11-08-04, 05:29 PM   #4
Join Date: Jul-2004
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those thing suck electricity like crazy! they are all 1000-1500watt and plug on 110V. Easiest thing buy a 1000watt regular house heater for 25$ and wire it up with a fuse on the 220V. I bought that king of space heater before, and got worried when i saw the light going down! lol
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Old 11-08-04, 07:03 PM   #5
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Be careful! Do not trust it too much. I have a Bionaire heater as well, and the thermostat feature is great - as long as it works! Which after less than a year of ownership, found it didn't always work! I also heard this was the case from a few other people. I still use it, and the thermostat work most of the time, but I never leave it on while I sleep, or if I am not at home to ocassionally check in. If you wanted to use it unsupervised, I suggest hooking it up to a reliable thermostat system.
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