I was thinking about making my own tank for my beardies, but i lucked into a great 125 gal tank for 100 $ so obviously i jumped on it. I wouldnt use chciken wire for the wall's just becuase it would be a hassel. Think about it, beardies love to dig in the sand and the result of this is sand flying every where. Another reason would be crickets or whatever u may feed has acess to your house, happend to me.... 100's of crickets hoping around the house, but thats a whole other story,
id say go with wood or plexi glass ( wood obviously being cheaper ) 4 foot in lenght will be fine for one. Im not 100 % on the wire mesh hurting the dragons feet, but i will guarentee that your beardies will try and climb the wire, thats a given. But id try going with 3 sides wood one side plexi glass or soemthin similar to cut back on expense, and make a small linking wire mesh canopy, easy to build great for air flow
Last edited by chong_python; 10-05-04 at 12:52 PM..