Originally posted by Linds
She's very nice looking... like the chocolate tones. I use the large glazed ceramic dog dishes for my large boids. I use the flower pot bases with nothing bigger than a gecko. I find them too shallow, and they evaporate before the day ends, and are tipped too easily by the big guys. I use 3" for the gecko, and 12" for one of my snakes because I haven't replaced it yet.
Thank you Linds
She is such a pretty girl...Of course, I am biased
But she is deffinately
not a salmon, even though right in our home her previous owner insisted that she was (I couldn't help but laugh). At least the price doesn't reflect what a salmon
would cost
Yes, those large ceramic dishes are what I use most. I have to steal the big one from my cats and use it for her, since I don't really want to replace the newspaper many times per day, simply because she knocked her water dish