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Old 09-27-04, 07:44 AM   #1
Join Date: Jun-2004
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cric problem

Ok I hope someone can help me out. I bout a 1000 cric about 2 weeks ago and now they are all dead. I put them in a large tup[erware container that I bought from CT with lots of egg creats, carots, and a mix of cat food, oatmeal, and calcium. I used this mix last time with my cric's and they did fine. None of them died. What did I do wrong? I am going to go get some more soon and I don't want to repeat my smae mistake as I just did. Any ideas?

Thanks for hte help.

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Old 09-27-04, 08:31 AM   #2
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the first thing I would check is the moisture it to moist? how is the ventalation as well. How old where the crix...adults at the end of there life or mediums.

Good luck
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Old 09-28-04, 04:13 AM   #3
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I've had crickets die off for no apparent reason many times, they had plenty of food, water and the conditions were right. Maybe they were in the box that they came in for too long. Hard to ever know how long they were packaged in there. They are loaded into boxes to sit for god knows how long. About all I can say with certainy is that it is doubtful that anything happened after you got them home to cause them to die off.
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Old 09-28-04, 06:49 AM   #4
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On more than one occasion I have had massive die off's when they were exposed to severe temperature change. Maybe they sat on a cold runway in a cold truck while being shipped.

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