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09-23-04, 12:59 PM
Join Date: Mar-2002
Location: toronto
Posts: 161
i work with a guy who lives next door to the owner of said pitbulls and he is what is classified as 'the typical pitbull owner' and its also not the 1st attack from these dogs. he has no control over the dogs and this seess to be 1 of the biggest problems. and that you cannot police no matter what bylaws you put in. very sad...very sad..
09-23-04, 12:59 PM
Join Date: Sep-2002
Location: New Mexico
Age: 45
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Thanks, Matt, for posting that story.
I'm so sorry for all the people and animals involved because no one wins. The pits will likely lose their lives (now having demonstrated at least one act of aggression), the owner possibly fined, and obligated, I would think, to replace the pet that was lost. The owners of the Terrier suffer the horror of seeing their companion become a bloody, torn-up mass, and of course, the terrior who lost his life...
I agree that there are a lot of people who own these dogs only for the status; but many, MANY people own them because they can and do make great pets. Banning the breed won't solve anything, all it will do is force owners to go underground.
I know I'm repeating much of the information posted here, but I feel it's neccessary to understand the WHOLE issue, not just a fraction of it. I seriously don't believe you can lump most of the breeds' owners into that stereotype. In fact, by doing so, you are probably only perpetuating and encouraging it.
09-23-04, 01:03 PM
Join Date: Apr-2003
Location: Vancouver, BC
Posts: 318
I work in pet rescue, and I'm a veterinary technician, so I get a lot of exposure to different breeds of dogs. I specialized in dogs that had severe agression and behavioral issues. These dogs lived with me in my home, until they were rehabilitated and able to go to a new home. The most bites I have received are from chihuahua's, shih tzu's, lhasa apso's, maltese, jack russell terriers, small mixed breed dogs, followed by goldens, labs, rottweillers, huskies, and supposed wolf hybrids. Most of the large dogs were unsocialized yard dogs, and the small dogs just did not get disciplined by their owners and were spoiled. The reason we keep hearing about pit bull attacks, is because if and when they bite, they can do substantial damage. If a chihuahua bites, it hurts, but there is usually not much damage. I know here in Vancouver there are several pit fighting rings, and banning this breed will just make them more desireable for the wrong kind of owners. When I was young I was bit by 2 neighbourhood dogs that were raised with children, both of them were labs. Here is part of a post by my friend who worked for the SPCA and was injured by a dog while transferring it to a veterinary hospital.
"i have just started reading all the posts about the breed ban but unfortunately have been unable post myself right now. i am still having trouble typing these days, among other things, as my arms are still a mess from the wounds i received over a year ago by a mistreated, unsocialized, injured ROTTWEILER. both my arms and wrists were broken, bone was ripped out of my left wrist, and i have had at least 8 surgeries and still have at least 2 more to come. i am in physio for 4 hours daily and in pain 24 hours a day, every day. do i think rottweilers should be banned because of this? hell no!!
do i think guard/yard dogs should be banned, that no dog should live secluded, neglected, unsocialized; that breeding regulations need to be put in place and that people need to be educated and held accountable - hell yes!
if more people knew more about the dogs they 'own' and were responsible 'owners' none of these attacks would ever happen. "
:eb: JJ and the Zoo
09-23-04, 01:07 PM
Join Date: Aug-2004
Posts: 959
Yes but its still easier to ban the breed, remove the potential.. than train owners and HOPE all owners are good...
Bottom line, the public has a right to safety.. and its just easier to remove the potential problem than educate and hope people are responsible
09-23-04, 01:12 PM
Join Date: Sep-2002
Location: New Mexico
Age: 45
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It may be easier but it'll be less effective, in my opinion...
By the way, if we are removing 'potential' hazards from society, let's get rid of many of the herps we keep. Some are large and venomous, and could present a danger. Let's get rid of men who may beome rapists and serial killers. (Can't trust any of them, I tell you). Let's remove alcohol, so there is no more drunk driving (which my state, New Mexico, has an EXTREMELY high level of DWI accidents and accident-related deaths each year...)
There are many potential hazards. You can't remove them all. There always going to be a risk of something happening to somebody.
Last edited by Samba; 09-23-04 at 01:17 PM..
09-23-04, 01:15 PM
Join Date: Aug-2004
Posts: 959
Samba, maybe, but when has the govt done anything thats effective  They always take the easiest way out... thats my point
09-23-04, 01:16 PM
Join Date: Jul-2004
Posts: 32
09-23-04, 01:19 PM
Join Date: Sep-2002
Location: New Mexico
Age: 45
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LMFAO El Gringo!!!!
Shad0w, I get your point. SOrry for the rant... LOL
:::Still looking at Arnold:::
LMAO, boy, that is funny!
09-23-04, 01:33 PM
Join Date: Aug-2002
Location: Ontario
Age: 46
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How many deaths are there per month at the hands of Pit Bulls in Toronto???
How many deaths are there at the hands of Guns, Knives and other violent acts a month in Toronto???
Have they done anything about the guns?? Have they done anything about the violence that's going on daily in Toronto???
Nope.. But hey, let's ban a breed that's HARDLY killing people and allow these same people who are day in and day out shooting up neighbourhoods and snatching children off the street..
8 months in jail to a couple who locked their children in a CAGE in a basement for 13 years, but ban a breed of a dog that people hate... How is that fair???
They haven't even caught the ignorant peices of crap that shot that poor lady in the back who was buying a sandwhich for her daughter.. However, they've had the van in the police impound for 2 months that was involved in said shooting and JUST realized it 3 weeks ago??? C'mon..
09-23-04, 01:53 PM
Join Date: Aug-2004
Posts: 959
LMFAO El Gringo!!!!
09-23-04, 06:15 PM
Join Date: Apr-2002
Location: Mississauga, Ontario
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While were at it lets ban side walks you can't trust those damn cracks it just takes one slip and fall the wrong way and snap goes your neck. Geez what are they trieing to do safety proof our world? It's ridiculous.
Torn on which side I agree with in this argument as i agree with alot of points each side said. Just gonna have to wait and see how it turns out I guess( Have the reached a desicion yet?)
Kayla Young
1.2 Corns, 0.1 Ball python, 0.1.2 crested gecko's and 0.0.1 Bearded dragon
09-24-04, 12:42 PM
Join Date: Jan-2004
Location: Toronto, ON
Age: 20
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Originally posted by Matt_K
How many deaths are there per month at the hands of Pit Bulls in Toronto???
How many deaths are there at the hands of Guns, Knives and other violent acts a month in Toronto???
Have they done anything about the guns?? Have they done anything about the violence that's going on daily in Toronto???
Well, it is currently illegal (for the general public) to carry a gun, as well as large knives, on the street. Trying your argument again: "A dog attacks a kid and someone says, 'Have they done anything about the pit bulls? ... Nope ..' "
09-24-04, 12:55 PM
Join Date: Aug-2002
Location: Ontario
Age: 46
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Yes, it is illegal, but everynight there's atleast one shooting that's reported..
But I understand where you're coming from and I do agree with some of what everyone is saying.. I see both sides of the argument.. I just don't think that banning Pit Bulls is the solution.. If people can't have Pits, they're going to get Roti's and every other large breed out there that can be considered a threat...
Something needs to be done to the owners of these dogs.. And not just a slap on the wrist and loss of their dogs when they do turn and attack someone.. Stiffer penalties.. Mandatory muzzles when out in public?? Something, anything.. We all shouldn't suffer because of the ignorant and uneducated dog owners...
They've reported another attack yesterday.. A woman walking through a park was attacked and had her leg broken by a dog (Pitbull). The dog was not on a leash at the time and some passers by were able to get the dog off the lady.. No description of the dog and no one has seen it since.. However, it was a Pit... or was it... Everything is a Pit these days..
09-24-04, 01:23 PM
Join Date: Aug-2004
Posts: 959
Ya know.. this might seem silly to say...
but in some ways a pitt (or any large and powerful dog) could be more dangerous than a gun...
A gun is not going to go off without a person pulling the trigger... it doesnt have a mind of its own...
However, a pitt can decide to attack a person, or in the latest case, a jack russel without anyone pulling a trigger... the dog can decide to attack someone / thing all on its own...
Im not saying there might not be events that precipitated the attack, but ultimately its the dog's choice to attack...
Does this make sense or am I sounding as crazy as i think I am
I think its time for OTHER dog owners to really come down on those that feel the need to walk their dogs off a leash and unmuzzled.. they are ruining it for everyone
Last edited by Shad0w; 09-24-04 at 01:27 PM..
09-26-04, 10:20 AM
Join Date: Oct-2002
Location: Georgia (USA)
Posts: 1,888
I have not kept up with this thread for a while, so I have no idea where it is. But just as a side note, I got bit by a 135 lb Doberman yesterday. Always been the sweetest dog, just decided to bite yesterday. No matter how well trained a dog it, it can get PMS too.
I planted some bird seed. A bird came up. Now I don't know what to feed it.
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