Hello again.
First I like to thank all the nice support you'v give me here. I think my idea about some members here is a little bit beside the truth...
Well, Kimo, you asking for a step by step instruction but thats maibe to much for an answer in this threat, maibe there is an other place in this forum to publice the whole story...?
I will show some other pictures of the pull-out lightbox:
Here one can see how it looks when the lightbox is pulled out for repair or change tubes or bulps.
Here one have a better look into the lightbox. Let me explain:
On the front are the defferent switches, lets start at the left (on the picture). The red swich is for the so collt night-lamp. This is a red bulp which is to see at the back of the lightbox between the two tubes. At night, when the lights are swiched off, I swich the red light on to watch without distrurbing the snake.
Below the red swich there is a green one, this is for the halogen-bulp in the middle between the tubes. This bulp is for extra light incase of plant growing, in the rainy season I swich this light off. Next to the red and green there are 2 black swiches , those are for the 2 tubes. In the rainy season one must allways decrease the amout of light in the terrarium.
Next to the 2 black swiches there is the red main swich. When I swich this off all the electricity is cut off.
The smal black beneath the mainswich is for the waterlock. Every day the rainsystem is working after darkness. When I decide to give no rain in a particular terrarium I can swich off the waterlock who is blocking the water flow to that particular enclosure.
The black bordered hole richt from the grip is for the thermostat adjust-knob. Because the copper wire of the sensor is a litle bit rigid I have to attach the thermostat to the frame, one can see between the right tube and the right spot-light.
The yello circel is a mechanical timer for the lights.
The lightbox is made out of just plywood 12 mm. covert with mirroring adhesive plastic cloth. All the electric + wires are red and -- wires are black. The 2 spots are for warming up the rerrarium and conected to the thermostat.
Some electric wires must connect to powerpoints outside the terrarium. I glu all of theme together and let this flexibel bundel of wires roll on with the pull out movement, just like it works in a computer printer where the cardrige is moving from left to right.
The inside of the lightbox looks maibe very impressive and complicated but it is not !
First you put the different light-boddy's where you like theme, just as you do in a normal terrarium and after that you just simpel connect al the components and put swiches after your own wishes.
Advice is: make a drawing befor starting the work....
Greeting **** Visser.
PS: feel free to ask more.