I never read many "classic" childrens literature, though of the ones I have read, and like...
all the 'Alive in Wonderland' ones (Lewis Carroll)
'The Swiss Family Robinson' (William H. G. Kingston)
'Treasure Island' (Robert Louis Stevenson)
'The Velveteen Rabbit' (Margery Williams) although considering it's "age range" it was a pretty depressing book...
and one of my all time favourites,
'Watership Down' (Richard Adams)
Of books overall, my current favourite genre is the OLD 'Gothic Horrors' and 'Gothic Romances' (Dracula and other stuff by Bram Stoker, Jane Eyre, Rebecca, Tess of the D'urbervilles, etc) I just love the old english and the weird words and stuff...
And interesting readings are the even older writings such as Beowulf and... oh great, I forgot the name of the one I really like... (oh, I actually haven't read beowulf yet... have it somewhere though)
And Shakespeare isn't too bad... love how he managed to change the english language...