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Old 07-27-04, 04:23 PM   #1
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Angry Unbelievable!!!

I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.
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Old 07-27-04, 04:26 PM   #2
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TOTALLY BELIEVABLE!!! Sad but True, Mark
Mark's GONE SNAKEE! working with select Colubrids (Corns, GB Kings, EIs) and Woma Pythons
All stock parasite free and established on F/T prey. No PMs please email at
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Old 07-27-04, 05:17 PM   #3
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nothing i hate wose than theives, cut ther hands off,
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Old 07-27-04, 05:21 PM   #4
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1.1 Panther Chameleon Nosy Be
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Old 07-27-04, 05:33 PM   #5
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Wow... robbers stealing snakes and tortoises.. If someone took away my animals, i would be out of my mind!!! If they took cash i wouldnt say, but live pets!!!! Now those are sad news...
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Old 07-27-04, 06:11 PM   #6
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Once they catch them, to see if they are really guilty the police can put them in a cage with 6 hungry nile crocodiles, max 5 minutes - they survive they are innocent, lol.


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Old 07-27-04, 07:27 PM   #7
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What a bunch of bums, make that 10 minutes Tony
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Old 07-27-04, 07:33 PM   #8
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It's sad that people have to steal things. Just because you can do something does not make it right or mean that you should.
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Old 07-27-04, 08:02 PM   #9
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BOAS_N_PYTHON thats a good one!

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Old 07-27-04, 08:25 PM   #10
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Haha, 10 minutes? 6 hungry niles? Thats too easy, make it 20(mins) and trow in 4 Komodos. LOL. Thats horrid!

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Old 07-27-04, 09:09 PM   #11
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As disgusting as it is I would rather be broken into and robbed by someone who knew what they were doing, with an actual target in mind, then someone, likely more violent and unpredictable, who simple wanted to intrude into my home and steal my stuff.

That sentence runs on but I don't care.

In the grander scheme of things this crime was essentially harmless and very productive. It's more of a nuisance then an actual threat to anyone. In my mind non-violent crimes are certainly not to be welcomed or endorsed but are not cause for any great concern or revulsion.
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Old 07-27-04, 09:19 PM   #12
Tim and Julie B
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Theft of any kind is WRONG and those who perform it are most certainly REPULSIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is invasion of the worst kind, (though not as bad as), forced sexual conduct and murder. What's worse is that it was theft of living animals. Who knows what will happen to them all. So sad.

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Old 07-28-04, 12:09 AM   #13
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I'm with you, Julie. Theft is wrong, no matter WHAT was stolen! The fact that there was no violence associated with this particular crime doesn't mean anything. It just means there wasn't anyone there to get in their way. From the sounds of it, these people knew what they were doing and had already cased the show and decided what they wanted. They may have already had buyers lined up in advance.
Personally I would NEVER leave my animals at a show. I've had things stolen before, including my beautiful 8 foot long boa constrictor years ago, and have learned my lesson. I realize that for many people this is a little difficult when you are driving a long way and have to rent a room.
I hope these people are caught!! And I agree with Chris and Boas! Only... I think it should be a gauntlet! Starting off in kneedeep muddy water filled with several LARGE niles... then, if they make it through that, they can get some exercise trying to evade some hungry komodos... then perhaps another stretch with a variety of venomous snakes and maybe some nice big nasty tarantulas too.... and... IF they make through all that... we'll talk about whether they are guilty or not!
Course... there's always a variety of OTHER lovely little tortures that I could think of too.... like staking them out and pouring honey over them next to an anthill..... or perhaps that lovely old medieval torture where you cut a small incision on the person's belly, then put a cage of VERY hungry rats on top of them....
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Annie B. <:3 )~~
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Old 07-28-04, 02:08 AM   #14
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... why don't we just scrape them down with sand paper and pickle them in vineger, we'll shove blistering embers down their throat and laugh as vomit blood... I'd love to see their entrails strewn across my driveway... and then we'll go to their wife their and their kids and we'll... this is rediculous, theft sucks but it happens.
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Old 07-28-04, 02:15 AM   #15
Jungle Jen
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OK I'm liking the honey and anthill suggestion. This is a very sad story, and it seems ttories like this are becoming all too common. It reminds me of the poor fellow who had all his high end ball pythons stolen a few months back. (Does anyone know if he got his snakes back?) So far I have had my car broken into twice, and an attempted break in to my house. (letting my three dogs out the back door sure got rid of that theif) It's a horrible feeling to have things stolen. I hope they get caught, and I love some of the suggestions to punish the buggers.
:eb: JJ and the Zoo
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