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Old 07-23-04, 11:19 PM   #1
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By golly it's her birthday :) ( growth stats )

Well, Promise is 1yr old today Here's here updated growth/feeding stats, and of course some pics

Female BRB born July 23/03, bred by Jeff Favelle, sold to me Dec.5th. Past eating consisting of appropriately sized mice.

First meal: Dec. 8, adult mouse.

Dec.15th WEIGHT 96.5g
Dec. 21: SHED
Dec.21: WEIGHT 87g
Dec.21 FEED 30g mouse
Dec.28 FEED 31g mouse
Jan.1/04 WEIGHT: 131g LENGTH approx. 27" (so hard to measure)
Jan.11/04 : WEIGHT: 146.5g
Jan 18/04: SHED.......WEIGHT: 129.5......FEED: adult mouse
Jan.26/04 WEIGHT: 150.5gr
Jan.29th: FEED: small rat ( 50ish grams )
Feb. 4 WEIGHT: 200.5gr
Feb 17: SHED........WEIGHT: 172gr.....FEED: 61g rat
Feb. 29: FEED: adult mouse
March 7: WEIGHT : 216.5gr
March 10: FEED 60g rat
March 21: SHED....WEIGHT: 247.5....LENGTH: 35.6"
March 23: FEED 60ish gr rat
April 4th: FEED 67.5g rat
April 11: WEIGHT 314.5 gr
April 18: SHED....FEED 63g rat
April 29: FEED 65gr rat
May 5: LENGTH 40.6"
May 11: WEIGHT: 354gr FEED 70+gr rat
May 20: blue, very blue
May 25: SHED
May 26: WEIGHT: 368g FEED: rat approx. 70-80g
June 8: FEED: same
June 22: SHED; WEIGHT: 445g ; LENGTH: 44"
June 22.04: FEED 135g rat.
JULY 3.04: WEIGHT 486g.
July 6.04: FEED 150g rat
July 23: WEIGHT 562.5g
July 23.04: FEED 150gram rat

From a scrawny lil 96.5g to a long, lean 562.5gram. I'm impressed.
Yep, not too shabby at all IMHO.

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Old 07-25-04, 05:39 PM   #2
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Holy moly Christina! What a great job you've done! One of the fastest BRB learners out there that I've seen I can see you producing your own in a couple years easily!
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Old 07-25-04, 08:38 PM   #3
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very impressive, and an awesome brb by the way
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Old 07-25-04, 10:13 PM   #4
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Originally posted by Jeff_Favelle
I can see you producing your own in a couple years easily!
this I wont agree.
Cause she doesn't have a male yet!!


o> o>

Nice growth rate Chris, keep it up! She is defniitely growing a lot faster than the ones I have....I don't feed them nearly as much as you do...geeze~

Good job! and Happy belated bday promise!
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Old 07-26-04, 12:34 AM   #5
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this I wont agree.
Cause she doesn't have a male yet!!
Heh heh...that can be arranged Simon. That can be arranged!
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Old 07-26-04, 10:42 PM   #6
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oh man....Simon I'm gonna kill you. Jeff don't start LOL.

I'm lucky that Jeff is NOT driving distance....let's put it that way.
Simon knows what a suck I am....have never left his house empty handed.

It's funny, Promise is one of the ones that doesn't eat as often as the others. She refuses to eat any sooner than 10days ( the majority I have are fed once every 7 days....5 if they are under 6mos ). I've tried offering Promise food every 7days, nope. 10 days, the odd time she'll take it....12-13 days, guarenteed she would eat.

Personal thoughts: Will I breed her? Yes. But only once. I am not a snake breeder Plus, like I could ever compete with Mr. Favelle

Why will I breed her once?

Selfish reasons...purely selfish.
I want to experience a snake who births live.
Told ya, very selfish. But........ what can I say. Experience is quite the teacher.

But yes. I do indeed need to find her a mate Eventually, as I am in absolutely no rush.

Promise is my sweetie....excellent temperment, bitey at first but she only connected once. Now, my children get to hold her at times and I'm not worried. Amazed at the growth. It will be interesting to compare the 2nd years worth of growth with the first.

Thanks for looking everyone.

Jeff, thanks for the compliment. Coming from you that means alot.
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Old 07-27-04, 08:33 AM   #7
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Blame it all on me like you have done it in the past~
When I first met Chris, she was like "I am a lizard lady, no snakes for me" Right now...look at her's like half snakes and half lizards!! LOL!!!!! And guess what? She got her first snake from me on the first day we met!!!! LOL!!!!!!

So basically she is a real sucker and have been blaming me on that since day one! LOL!

As for the breeding for selfish reasons...I don't see why not....
breeding for the experience is a whole lot better than reading up on how to breed only....that doesn't really give you nearly as much experience....(advice and how to...yes, experience and the ups and

Hope you'll find Promise a mate soon~
or else, we can always do a breeding loan~
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Old 07-27-04, 09:29 AM   #8
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Yah know, I can't even get mad at the bonehead above for calling me a sucker He is sooooo right.

And the whole story is: I put an ad up to carpool with someone to save my gas costs. I ended up taking Simon to a reptile show with me to help split gas costs......silly man invited me in when I dropped him off.

yep. got my first snake that day. Promise was second, due to this beauty I fell in love with that he has....such a mild mannered I researched them for a couple wks, then Promise came home.

No hurry on a mate, Promise has a wee bit to go before I breed her. A year or 2 at least I would think. Don't want to rush the ol' girl and have consequences of doing so eh.
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Old 07-27-04, 09:51 PM   #9
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Originally posted by ChristinaM
Yah know, I can't even get mad at the bonehead above for calling me a sucker He is sooooo right.

And the whole story is: I put an ad up to carpool with someone to save my gas costs. I ended up taking Simon to a reptile show with me to help split gas costs......silly man invited me in when I dropped him off.

yep. got my first snake that day. Promise was second, due to this beauty I fell in love with that he has....such a mild mannered I researched them for a couple wks, then Promise came home.
1) I get called a bonehead because I am right....

2) then I get called a silly man since I was polite enough to invite her to my place for a little tour since she gave me a ride back home... basically in her point of view, I can't be right cause I'll be a bonehead and I can't be polite cause I'll be a silly man....LOL!

But guess what all? Today (as in July 27th, 2004) she the same lady that just posted this thread today came up to my place and took 3 more corns off me!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!

I am such an o> o> guy!! LOL

P.S. Chris: Blah Blah Blah and Sucker!! LOL
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