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Old 07-21-04, 08:48 PM   #1
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ghost and motley? diff?

I cant seem to pick out the difference between a ghost and motley..or a ghost motley. I was using simon's site as a refrence and if you dont mind could i post the pics im talking about?

I got a anery motley a couple days ago as some of you might know and the guy said it was het for ghost. So if i bred it with ghost's i would get some motley ghost's right? Im a newb with breeding well more of a newb when it comes to genetics. Anyone care to teach me something?
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Old 07-21-04, 09:04 PM   #2
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You would have to breed it with a het or ghost motley to get more ghost motleys.
I'm not sure what you mean by not being able to pick out the difference. Motley is a pattern mutation while the ghost is a color morp. Ghosts are anery and hypo combined.
It's not that I'm lazy; it's that I just don't care.
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Old 07-21-04, 09:17 PM   #3
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I agree with Andy

I don't really get what you mean by not being able to tell the difference....

Since your anery motley is het ghost (or hypo) in order to get more ghost motley there are a few options for you

Breed your anery motley het ghost to:
1) Ghost Motley
2) Anery motley het ghost
3) Anery het ghost motley
4) Ghost het motley
5) Motley het ghost

Well there are a lot more combinations...but you get the basic idea..

breeding with each one of those mentioned above COULD lead you to ghost motleys BUT the chances of getting one is different~!!

If you want to post some photos on my site, feel free to do so. As long as you give me the credit back~ (Ie, put in who took the photo, from Extreme Snakes and so on~)
My Web Site!
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Old 07-21-04, 11:18 PM   #4
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hmm.. maybe i need to see them side by side.

here are the two i looked at all from Simon's site


ghost motley
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Old 07-21-04, 11:25 PM   #5
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Send a message via ICQ to Bartman ghost motleys have more of the grey saddles while the ghost has more bold sadles or is it instead of the light grey on the ghost, the ghost motley has teh dark grey purplu instead

OOOO maybe you didnt understand my explanation lol but i now see the difference between the two. Ok thanks for dealing with my slowness

Nice snakes simon!
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Old 07-21-04, 11:33 PM   #6
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Ok after looking at other pics on yoru site ive figured out the reasoning for my confusion. I didnt know motley was a pattern mutation while anery is a color mutation. Its hard for me to explain but now I understand how it all works. Thanks
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Old 07-22-04, 10:13 AM   #7
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I am glad that it worked out for you.

I think that I should take some more pics of my ghost motley cause the one on my web site is really bad...I have 2 that are really good looking ~
if I have time I'll post them for you to let you see the real

I can tell you ghost motley are one of the best morphs out there.

Basic answer to your ghost and ghost motley question
ghost = anery + hypo
ghost motley = anery + hypo + motley

There are 3 pattern mutations 1) Motley 2) Striped 3) Bloodred~
My Web Site!
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