If i were you, i would have started feeding it rats sooner. I never feed my snakes mice, except for the smallest babies ( my ETB ), cause its much easier to breed rats... Their babies grow up much faster, they're smart and social, the adults dont spend their time killing each other... I love my rats so much i just keep them as pets, but the babies all end up to the freezer, to the savannah or to the snakes directly... When one of my rats escape, i always find it back on top of its cage the night after, they like their home...
1.1 BCI, 0.1.1 ETB, 0.1 Dumeril's Boa, 0.0.1 Savannah Monitor, 1.0 Diamond x JCP, 0.0.5 Lithobius Forficatus, tons of Rats, Dog and Cat.