You can also look up online breeders and then order frozen food for your snake. There are many rodent breeders that will ship you frozen rats. Another plus to feeding frozen thawed. I'm working on transfering all of mine to FT. With the 7 BP's I have and 1 Blood (my brothers not mine) to feed live I have to pay a minimum of $26.00 a week in mice and if I want gerbils even more cause I have to get them at a petstore and I buy mice from a breeder so they are cheaper. If I get them all switched to frozen rats it works out to less than $17.00 a week and I don't have to run every weekend to find live food I keep them stocked in my freezer. Not to mention safer for the snakes. By the way my adult balls that are rescues will eat 5 adult mice a week without a problem!! They are small for their age as they were fed improperly and are smaller than a 3yr old bp should be and 2 of them are over 10yrs old!!
Nita Hamilton