If your getting a baby boa, set it back up on it's bottom.
not sure on the hot spot, go read some care sheets. READ READ READ!
Go to
www.google.com and type in boa constrictor care sheets.
Then when that is done. Put the probe ON TOP of the UTH (in side the cage, the uth should be on the outside though)
if you have no dimmer or rheostat get one, UTH's can get WELL over 110 degrees.
once you have your dimmer (like a lamp dimmer) plug it all up. and watch the temps.
What is your room temp normally?
Another suggestion.
Do everything just typed and get a rubbermaid instead. If I am thinking right (and I might NOT) be but, Columbian boas need a bit of humidity, and a tank isn't going to cut it. The light is just going to dry it out.
for the first month or so you are going to want JUST news paper or paper towel until you can figure out if there are no mites. and you get a fecal done. if you don't have a vet or don't know of one go to
if you do leave it on its side, make sure to bungie it on both ends and in the middle, or expect the snake to escape. heck, throw a 4th one on there just for saftey measures!
And since it is a Columbian boa constrictor be prepared to build a custom enclosure as they can get anywhere from 7-12 ft long, And eat rabbits.
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