The 3" tends not to be very popular because it puts out 10w heat whereas the 4" is only 8w. The belly versus back heat debate could be waged all day long, but I'm not going to get into that - I know people who swear by both. When I was putting the heat in my rack, I went by what seemed to work best with my particular rack, and it ended up being belly heat.
0.1 Ball Python, 0.1 Creamsicle Cornsnakes, 1.0 Amelanistic Cornsnake, 1.0 Ghost Cornsnake, 1.0 Motel Amelanistic Cornsnake, 1.0 Okeetee Cornsnake, 0.1 Striped Amelanistic Cornsnake, 0.1 Silver Phase Miami Cornsnake, 0.1 Sunglow Cornsnake