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Old 03-22-04, 10:59 PM   #1
Scales Zoo
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Sand is heavy

That's right. I spent the later part of the day collecting 26 - 5 gallon pails of sand. 6 pails of river sand, and 20 pails of rougher prairie sand (from the "lesser sandhills" near the south sask river) which the local snakes use for egg laying.

I figure each pail weighed 60 lbs (water would weigh 50, this sand is much heavier than water) which would mean we halled more than 1500 lbs of sand into an enclosure today. I may add another 800 lbs if the weight is not a problem, once I see how it holds a burrow, but I think it will be the perfect stuff - it is what the wildlife in the area uses to burrow in.

Tommorrow the pair will go in there, and I will take pictures of them and post them on here to publically announce our new aquisition and breeding project. Stay tuned for pictures....

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Old 03-22-04, 11:09 PM   #2
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"the pair"

What kind of monitors? Good luck!

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Old 03-22-04, 11:10 PM   #3
Gregg M
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You wuss..... I could carry all of that with one hand and my balls tied behind my back.....LOL..... Sounds like you had fun today.....
"A sure fire way for a government to lose control of something is for them to prohibit it."
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Old 03-22-04, 11:18 PM   #4
Scales Zoo
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I could carry all of that with one hand and my balls tied behind my back
I'd pay to see that. I'm not joking Greg

I wouldn't have replied, but the radio station is playing AC/DC's Big Balls, I mean - how often does that happen, it is a sign, I tell you what.


"But when they are held for pleasure, they're the balls that I like the best"
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Old 03-22-04, 11:34 PM   #5
Gregg M
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"A sure fire way for a government to lose control of something is for them to prohibit it."
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Old 03-23-04, 12:24 AM   #6
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Good Golly Mrs. Molly! Great BALLS of FIRE!!! hahahaha - Gregg you may be a He-Boy, but your not "stretch" of the Fantastic-Four!

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Old 03-23-04, 12:41 AM   #7
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You wuss..... I could carry all of that with one hand and my balls tied behind my back.....LOL..... Sounds like you had fun today.....
See what I have to put up with all day?

Tammy Rehbein
-You can search all day for something and never find it, only to see it in the most obvious of places after you've stopped looking.-
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