I personally don't like the idea of rubbermaids for adult corns, because with my own collection, I've noticed that it's a real hassle when it comes to cleaning. Corns have runny, extremely smelly poop. And the confinement of a rubbermaid just makes that smell multiply to obscene levels.

Added to this, they are extremely active snakes, and a rubbermaid just seems so confining. I just moved one of my adult males, a BIG boy at 5'6", into a 4x2x2 enclosure. And believe me, he USES the space. Almost never uses his hide box because he's too busy exploring and cruising. This is one species that is just not meant to be confined. I'd go with a custom enclosure for an adult or even an aquarium, as this is one of the few species that can utterly thrive in an aquarium. If you are getting a LOT of 'em though, and must use a rack, go with the 36" model bin.
Tim is also bang on in that Sterilite makes basically the same bins for much less. Look for those ones instead.