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Old 02-04-04, 10:43 PM   #1
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Question HOW do u convert a computer fna for an incubator?


Mainly worried about voltage.. I beleive majorities of computer fans are a 5v to a 12 volt .. Our regullar outlets are 110v .. Do u need to put an adapter - pretty sure or wouldn't u blow the fan .. anyway .... anything would be apreciated.. even a step by spte idiot proof method lol

Thanks to anyone who can help
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Old 02-04-04, 10:54 PM   #2
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Computer fans are 12volds DC, your outlets are 110 AC you would need an AC to DC convertor, they can be picked up at radio shack you need a 12volt one of course.
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Old 02-04-04, 11:23 PM   #3
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Funny that you mention that... I know nothing about electricity and to prove it yesterday I rigged up a computer fan to a cord and plugged it in! Well it ran for a second then it smoked and a small flame shot out of it. It was kind funny at the time but lets try to learn from my stupidity OK. I know I do! LOL
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Old 02-04-04, 11:48 PM   #4
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if u got an old powersupply from an old comp then use that to run it
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Old 02-05-04, 12:28 AM   #5
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you may find that Radio Shack or some other electrical retailer sells similar fans already rigged up for AC voltage. The fans I tried using were indistinguishable from computer fans but run at 240V.
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Old 02-05-04, 01:07 AM   #6
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Syst3, Thamks a lot .. really helps..

Jaremy .. Lol I thoiugh of pluging it in straight then a light bulb went on .. thats when I talked to a few ppl and realzed how I just missed a small fire lol

Pontus and crocdoc.. 2 other great suggestions..
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Old 02-05-04, 06:48 AM   #7
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Hey Dom,Ya u are gonna have to use an adapter I just had my buddy wip one together for mardy.We used a dimmer switch on it so u can set the fan to the speed you need,it seems to be workin pretty good.
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Old 02-05-04, 09:20 AM   #8
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Guys, You just need to buy 120volt fans, and they also need to be low CFM fans(cubic feet per minute)
The normal Radio Shack ones move too much air...
Pm me and I'll give you part numbers.
I use NMB fans in the 19-28CFM range from Newark Electronics... you can order them with a credit card.
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Old 02-05-04, 08:42 PM   #9
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Roy .. Whats wrong with a computer fan .. a dimmer .. thats a control of air .. no?? If they move to fast .. slow it down ..

By curiosity .. how fast du u want the air to be moving..

How much are the fans u are talking aobut..


Thanks Eric.. I am probably going with the adapter as the power suply just takes too much room..
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Old 02-09-04, 12:40 PM   #10
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Ac computer fans are induction fans and cannot be slowed down with dimmers. They simply stall out.
DC computer fans can be used with DC power supplies, and conventional plug in AC adapters should do the job, but you'll have to buy one with the correct voltage and current capabilities.

I use AC fans, to simply avoid the extra component, of including a DC supply...

The air velocity for incubators in the 1 to 3 cubic foot, range should be in the 19 to 30 CFM(cubic feet per minute) range.
Many fans move much more air than that, and that will dry out eggs, unless you seal up any vent holes in your egg boxes.

Another point that often gets missed is that high CFM/RPM fans produce heat, but this is heat you aren't controlling. The wattage of the fan should be as low as possible and this is especially important in very small incubators , as 12 watt or more fans will greatly contribute to the heating of the box, and if the fan is on all the time, which is recommended, it might overheat the box, evenknow the controlled heat source is not on.
Most of the wattage consummed by fans, is converted to heat, not movement, So putting 12 to 15 watt fans in small incubators is a big problem when the designated heater is only 30watts or less.

I generally use 5 watt 22 CFM fans, and they run directly across line continually. I recommend ball bearing fans rather than sleeve bushing types.
I use fans manufactured by NMB, and available from Newark Electronics... They are about 20 bucks list.
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Old 02-09-04, 06:26 PM   #11
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Thanks a lot .. very informative Stockwell ..

I ended up using a dc fan .. so I can put it on a dimmer.. working great although I find that it does not produce heat at all .. even i find that it almost seems to be cooling to incubator instead of just circulating the air.. that might just be me though .

Tx a lot for yur suggestions .. i apreciate it
1.3 Coastals 6.6 Jungles
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