sick monitor??
This morning I awoke to a god awful smell, and following the stench from cage to cage, I finally came upon the culprit: my black roughneck monitor. There was a small lake of foul-smelling liquid-y junk in her cage. I don't know if it's her poop or her barf, or what! Up until now, she's always had very normal looking feces (I've had her about 8 months.) When I cleaned it up, it seemed kind of mucus-y, rather gross indeed. Her last meal was two days ago (ground beef), could this be regurgitated? I'm not sure what to think!
I put her in the bathtub so that she could have one of her frequent soakings, and as I was carrying her there I noticed some snot leaking from her nostril -- do monitors get colds? Or is this some kind of infection???
Any ideas, or suggestions -- whichever! -- would be GREATLY appectiated! Thanks!!