It sounds like a self inflicted wound likely from tail lashing in defense. The halo around the puncture could simply be a superficial bruise associated with the trauma. I'd suggest picking up some Betadine and giving the area a swab with it twice a day. It doesn't sound like any infection is setting in, but keep an eye on it, some precautionary neosporin treatment might also be in order.
Iggies commonly injure their tails and in most cases nothing serious comes of it. Minimizing the stress in his environment and doing everything you can to gain some trust will go a long way to keep the tail whipping to a minimum.
Occasionally, these injuries become infected and necrotic at which point the area blackens and appears to be drying up. This condition can become progressive and slowly move up the tail. If untreated, the animal can succumb to secondary infections and die as a result.
Revenge is a dish best served cold...
With a side plate of steaming entrails,
And a nice Bordeaux!