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Old 01-04-04, 06:53 PM   #46
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I understand your point Julie, but Steve's dad wasn't the media focal point that his son has become. He didn't go out of his way to share Steve's early initiation with the world. Had he done so, I believe there would have been some negative reaction even back then. To openly and deliberately share this moment with the entire world only invites criticism and controversy. Its not like they were unaware of the potential ramifications of doing this.
I think Steve knew it had to be done (according to a family tradition). I think because the crocs are already in the zoo, he thought he would do it there being that he knows each crocodile like the back of his hand. I am also pretty sure he picked one of the friendlier crocs. Of course this is a relative term. Also, I do not see how Steve 'went out of his way' with this. I don't think he expected this kind of reaction. I really don't think they were thinking about the ramifications, I think they were thinking what a wonderful experience to share publicly. Of course, a stupid one, but he had good intentions.
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Old 01-04-04, 07:19 PM   #47
Tim and Julie B
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I know that while it is deemed a controversial act on Steve's part, it is only seen as such because of the standards to which the public has stated a parent should be. Times are changing and you can't even give a child a smack on the hand when they do something wrong, so of course he's the big monster now. Though we must understand that being a father and a croc enthusiast are probably both second nature to him. That he wouldn't endanger his son or his animals. He was working with an animal he knows through and through, and yes I know that wild animals can and will be unpredictable, but he felt safe in his actions and is most likely reeling at the prospect of everyone disliking him for doing something that he never gave thought to. Everyone deserves a second chance, and after the publicity he's most likely endured due to this event I am fairly certain he won't be doing it agian in the public eye. I have a hard time believing that he could/would do it as a publicity stunt. Seems to far from his personality to me, but again that's just MHO.

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Old 01-04-04, 07:31 PM   #48
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My post from another thread on this subject:

The only problem i see is that he went public. Now he has to hear it from the countless morons that pass judgement on others when they are just as much at fault for putting their kids and others into danger. If you do not think that packing your kids in the minivan for a ball game or movie is dangerous, then your a moron. If you fail to realize that Steve has many people that are watching out for him while he is in the exibits then your a moron.

I do not see how all you folks could pass judgement on another so strongly when YOU are just as guilty for doing things that could carry the same consequences, even if these things are publicly acceptable. You think that the common things that you do daily are any safer than what Steve did? If so you need a reality check. Just because what Steve did is beyond our reality, does not mean that the public itself is at fault for endangering their childrens lives on a daily basis. I would rather be Steves' kid than be the kid in the back of countless minivans worldwide. The world has been conditioned to believe everything they do is normal and great, but others actions are horrible.

How many of you fathers out there have venomous or other potentially dangerous reptiles at home? Who has not taken there kids out to shoot the 'family' guns? Who has not ran a red light with a carload of kids only to think "That was close!"

On a side note...I was raised by a mountain man, literally. I was going on my fathers trap lines at the age of 3, and even on hunting trips as an infant. I was setting traps and snares at 4-5 years of age. And believe me when I say a full grown Mountain Lion is nothing you want to see pissed off at the end of chain. This is something our ancectors have been doing for ages, to condition and teach their young about the world they are entering. Some of you folks need to lighten up and see beyond your own ways, and realize you are at fault for dangerous actions as well.

My 2 cents....
Beau Medlar

Rattlesnakes of Arizona
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Old 01-04-04, 08:16 PM   #49
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You don't really think Irwin advertised this event in order to acclimate his son to crocodiles do you??? It had nothing to do with his son. It was a gimmick for the crowds. His son was a prop
LOL that is the dumbest theory I have ever heard. Tim/Julie, I am loving everything you say on the topic. Very well said.
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Old 01-04-04, 08:50 PM   #50
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If the whole purpose was to introduce a ONE MONTH OLD to crocodiles, why not introduce it to a hatchling with its mouth taped. Why advertise it as a big event and hold your baby while feeding a 13 ft crocodile??? tHeGiNo, please refute my points. Maybe you can persuade me to your line of thought.
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Old 01-04-04, 09:18 PM   #51
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he didn't do anything wrong, the baby wasn't in danger at all. i've been to his zoo, i saw tyhat exact show he was doing in real life, they lie down 5feet form the crocs when they're on land and if the croc tried to bite them they just stand up and walk away. it wasn't a big deal at all, hes starting his kid early into the reptile world.

even if the croc *somehow* did grab a hold of him he would just hand the baby off to one of the many people standing around.
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Old 01-04-04, 11:35 PM   #52
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If the whole purpose was to introduce a ONE MONTH OLD to crocodiles, why not introduce it to a hatchling with its mouth taped.
we dont know if steve has already done this because that kinda stuff doesnt make international news. for all we know steve's kid could have had a baby croc sit on his lap already. the kid's prob already been introduced to little lizards, big lizards, now crocs
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Old 01-04-04, 11:50 PM   #53
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Even though most people bitch and moan about this guy a lot, i know for a fact that he loves what he does and his show is definately exciting. Plus the fact that he ALWAYS cracks me up...

He knows what he's doing, i trust him.
"Your heart understands what your head cannot yet conceive; trust your heart."
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Old 01-05-04, 02:08 AM   #54
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scalawag i quote
"Why advertise it as a big event and hold your baby while feeding a 13 ft crocodile???"

where did it say it was an advertised event?it was a tourist who taped it and sent the tape to the news and in turn got all the calls to cause this stir.

he does these feedings for the public all the time, its like going to the zoo to meet the snake keeper and he has his baby with him would you all freak out then?????

steve is awesome and very passionate about his animals
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Old 01-05-04, 08:28 AM   #55
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This is a quote from one of the first news articles
"Yesterday's show, for the public and the media, was billed as Bob's "croc-feeding debut".

"Good boy, Bob," Irwin said as Murray's jaws snapped shut on the food.

"He's one month old, so it's about time Bob got out there and did his first croc demo," Irwin told the excited crowd."
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Old 01-05-04, 10:02 AM   #56
Wuntu Menny
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Now that we've all shared our opinions, its clear that we have different perceptions on the matter. Maybe we should consider leaving it at that before this degenerates into name calling and mudslinging like so many other threads do. Personally, I don't need to be adding any more people to my ignore list.

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And a nice Bordeaux!
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Old 01-05-04, 05:36 PM   #57
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If the whole purpose was to introduce a ONE MONTH OLD to crocodiles, why not introduce it to a hatchling with its mouth taped. Why advertise it as a big event and hold your baby while feeding a 13 ft crocodile??? tHeGiNo, please refute my points. Maybe you can persuade me to your line of thought.
As already suggested, I am sure the baby has been introduced to smaller lizards and crocs. I am also sure it wouldn't have had the same effect.

Then to make the claim that he did this for his own personal interest, the reason all I said was that it was stupid is simply because the claim itself is ridiculous. It is backed up by zero evidence, and again it is just ridiculous. That is why I did not feel the need to refute your point. Claiming him to his his baby as a prop, now that is taking it a little bit too far.
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Old 01-05-04, 08:01 PM   #58
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Well, maybe just one more...
Revenge is a dish best served cold...

With a side plate of steaming entrails,
And a nice Bordeaux!
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Old 01-06-04, 12:20 PM   #59
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Tonight on larry king
Scott Bice

The worlds most deadly snake is the one you do not see.
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Old 01-06-04, 01:14 PM   #60
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Originally posted by tHeGiNo
As already suggested, I am sure the baby has been introduced to smaller lizards and crocs. I am also sure it wouldn't have had the same effect.

Then to make the claim that he did this for his own personal interest, the reason all I said was that it was stupid is simply because the claim itself is ridiculous. It is backed up by zero evidence, and again it is just ridiculous. That is why I did not feel the need to refute your point. Claiming him to his his baby as a prop, now that is taking it a little bit too far.
I'm just going by the facts at hand. Where is your evidence that he has introduced to smaller lizards and crocs. Or are only those with differing opinions than yours required to have evidence. And the best argument you have is that my claim is stupid simply beacuse the claim itself is riduculous. Very savy debator. My point was that if this was only for exposing his kid to the animals, then why advertise it as an event and do it in front of hundreds of people who paid money?
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