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Old 12-07-03, 06:11 PM   #1
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Question Possible Fire Belly Eggs ?? Help

I think that my fire bellies have layed eggs but I am not totally sure as I have never seen fire belly eggs. What I have looks like clear snot with alot of black dots in it.

1st Question

Is that eggs ?

No I can't give you a picture cuz my crappy digital wont zoom like that.

2nd Question

If it is eggs what do I do with them ?

I removed them from the tank and put them in a deli cup 1/2 filled with water frmo the tank.

Any help would be great as I would really like to get these guys to hatch.

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Old 12-08-03, 05:30 PM   #2
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Sounds like eggs to me. Very similar to Salamander eggs.

Keep them seperate so the adults don't eat them....set them up in a big tank and raise them. Since I don't know if the tadpoles are carnivores or herbavores I can't suggest food offhand, but usually flaked fishfoods, from what I've read, seem to work with frog tadpoles. If they're carnivores like salamander larva are small foods commonly used with fish such as daphnia, white worms, grindal worms, vinegar eels, and microworms would be ideal.

Hope that helps a bit.
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Old 12-08-03, 05:53 PM   #3
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You have to be very careful to make sure the water is clean and free of contaminants.
Raising the little guys is pretty hard. You have to find some food that they will eat and this will vary inbetween individuals. They normally eat blood worms and other small aquatic critters. They might eat some chopped earth worm or you could try fruit flies or even decaying fish.
Sorry thats about all I know. Do a search on the web because there are different kinds of fire belly newts and you could maybe find some more specific info.
Best of luck
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Old 12-08-03, 06:13 PM   #4
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I've never worked with fire-bellied toads but lots of tads and froglets love brine shrimp. You can either buy it frozen or get eggs and hatch them out yourself.
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Old 12-08-03, 11:04 PM   #5
Double J
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I have recently bred my Bombina orientalis, and 17 froglets are fully morphed out of the water as of a few days ago...with about 50 more on the way.
I fed my tads a variety of fish foods, ground up together into a fine powder with a mortar and pestle. The fishfood msture was as follows:
i) Omega One Cichlid protein diet
ii) Omega One Cichlid Color Up Flakes
iii) Nutrafin Spirulina
iv) Nutrafin Fry Food
v) Freeze dried bloodworms
This is basically a version of a tad food recipe posted on frognet by Tracy Hicks. The proportions of the food was all 1:1:1:1:0.25 respectively. After the tads morphed out, I have been feeding them flightless Drosophila melanogaster dusted with Miner-all 1 and multivitamins. I tried the with Drosophila hydei flies and they were able to take them.... but I prefer the melanogaster as they don't need to work quite so hard to wrangle them down. I would definitely order some fly cultures from Mark Pepper at Understory enterprises in a few weeks ( Don't even waste your time with pinhead crickets from the petstores...they will be wayyy to big for the froglets. I actually housed my tads in a 10 gallon tank with some floating pothos plants. When the tads began to develop legs, I floated a few pieces of cork bark in the water. ths will be explained below. When they grew all four legs, they would cling to the cork, and I removed them., Make sure you have the cork in the water as soon as the legs begin to this is when the cannibalism happens. The tads without legs are still great swimmers...and the tads with the developing legs have compromised this while they are growing legs. The little legs seem to be targets for the strong swmming tads mouths...and the tads without legs will relentlessly rip apart their nearly fully legged bretheren. Adding the cork remedied this completely, as there was no more noted cannibalism.
I have also successfully raised Dendrobates auratus tads on this mixture, with positive results.
Good luck
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Old 12-08-03, 11:07 PM   #6
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I forgot to mention that my filtration was a double sponge filter powered by an air pump. This was a nice gentle filter, and the tads were commonly seen feeding attached to the sponge.
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Old 12-09-03, 11:10 AM   #7
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ChokeOnSmoke: I've raised many salamander larva, and would not say they are difficult provided you have access to live moving foods as they tend to bite movement and ignore smell. Other then regular cleanings and feedings, they're about as hard as any new born fish fry of the same size.

I am not sure, but I think this person was talking about toad eggs though.
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Old 12-09-03, 04:09 PM   #8
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Thanks for all the help guys I got them in about 5 gallons of purified water and I am hoping to see tads here soon enuf. If I see tads then I will have a few more questions.

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