Hatchlings can be housed in a 10-gallon enclosure, but a good min size for an adult should be a 4ft high X 3ftwide. Enclosures should be vertically set up. Oviously the more dragons the bigger the enclous (Common sense really) Make sure there is lots or branches etc for basking also. As for housing together....Dragons can be territorial and will fight....they are not generally agressive towards humans but more so towards other dragons. The more hiding spaces and bigger enclouse you have the better the chance of no fighting. As for diet....They are mainly insectivores and carnivores....so crickets, superworms etc. As for salads....Stay away from large amounts of kale, spinach and cabbage....Stick to things more like collard greens... green leaf lettuce.... mustard greens..... and dandelion greens and of course the treats of carrots, yams, squash, corn, and fruits as long as its in small amounts. A clutch can be anywhere from 10 - 25 eggs....give or take.