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Old 10-17-03, 08:43 PM   #1
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Corns and milks/kings in the same room?

Does anyone know if keeping a milksnake and a cornsnake in the same room/rack will have a negative effect on either? i.e. will the corn fell threatened all the time by having the milk around, and will the milk be 'hunting' all the time because it smells food? Just curious... thanks

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Old 10-17-03, 08:45 PM   #2
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I've kept all three in my room with no problems. I also can't see a problem keeping them all in the same rack either.
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Old 10-17-03, 09:28 PM   #3
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If there is any problem, it has not been noticed by me. There's kings, corns, and milks in these boxes and 2 more walls just like it in my snake room.
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Old 10-17-03, 09:34 PM   #4
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If that's not your snake room what the hell is it????
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Old 10-17-03, 09:36 PM   #5
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Ha ha. sorry. I meant the OTHER 2 walls (on the right and left) of my snake room.
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Old 10-18-03, 12:25 AM   #6
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Nice looking room there~
there must be a few that I would definately like to get my hands on...hahahha

lovely room~

I keep both milks and corns on the same rack/room too. But I did have problems with kings before. I had a few cal kings together with my corn racks and my corns stopped I moved the cal kings away they were fine again...

but most of the people that I know of that keeps both kings and corns in the same room doesn't have much problem....maybe it's just me....

I also heard that the cal kings were more aggressive than the other kings so that might be why there were a lot of stress for my snakes??!?!??!?!

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Old 10-18-03, 08:00 AM   #7
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Well, I DO have a few Cals that WOULD eat ANYTHING given the chance! A female I have now I got because she ate an albino male when a friend introduced them to mate. She will eat your hand too! But my corns have never been off feed--ever. My snake room is always a mess-- either moving, adding, rearranging, etc. I 'm always trying to use the limited space better. Of course, if I was SUBTRACTING rather than ADDING, it would be much easier Simon, I doubt you'd be impressed, given all the nice animals you have up there.
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Old 10-18-03, 09:49 AM   #8
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I still mix Elaphe with Triangulum, even in the same racks and have no problems, but Simon's right about getulas. Other snakes can occasionally have fairly bad reactions if placed right beside them.
I've noticed that handling getulas, and even some triangulum like Hondurans
can cause other snakes to freak out when you pick them up, so hands should always be washed after handling Kings and milks.
I've noticed even some BOIDS will start to thrash around if handled directly after kingsnakes.
I think it's prudent to simply provide as much separation as possible within the herp room.
Don't put a Cal king or other getula right next to a corn if you don't have to.
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Old 10-18-03, 09:51 AM   #9
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Here's my input. I do keep all my colubrids in the same room. Most of the time, there's no noticable problems. Although there have been occasions when I've got a baby king on the floor and if there's an adult king nearby, it will start acting up. I mean as bad as musking, trying to run away, biting when you grab it etc. But then again, this has only happened on a couple of occasions. Sometimes when I'm handling my snakes, if I had handled a bigger king then picked up a baby (or juvi) it starts acting up too. Not as badly this time, but still noticeably. I'm sure just by the pheromones through the skin secretions, they can tell if someone large or small has passed by.

It seems only isolated (in my experience) to the small vs the large. Similar sized kings never seemed to show any nervousness amongst each other.
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Old 10-18-03, 11:52 AM   #10
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We have lampros in the same room as our elaphe, BCI, asian rats, and columbian rainbows - no problems whatsoever to date, even when handling elaphe right after handling the getula. I guess my elaphe are just brave.
- Ken LePage
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Old 10-18-03, 01:15 PM   #11
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I keep everything in the same room. Corns, Kings, Milks, Boas & Pythons. Never had any problems to speak of. One thing this thread did make me think of though, is my female Hogg Island Boa. She is a yearling & used to be in my bedroom (she was quarantined orginally due to showing up here with mites) & was there for quite a while. Now that she is in the snake room, she has turned into a real bitch. Try to take her out of her hide & all you get is a wide open hissing mouth that is more than willing to tag anyone that tries to take her out. Maybe it has something to do with all the other snakes in the room I don't know? Mark I.
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Old 10-19-03, 05:14 AM   #12
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Vanan you said skin secreations? to my knowledge snakes dont secreat any fluids or sceants though there skin, only anal?
Bush, Master of war
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Old 10-19-03, 07:18 AM   #13
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dang, if that wasnt your snake room i would die to see your snake room!
I got a bunch of snakes and a bunch of guns
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Old 10-19-03, 10:45 AM   #14
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KingFfaj, snakes secrete pheromones through their skin and cloaca. Ever noticed your male corn sniffing your female's back during courtship?
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