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Old 09-27-03, 12:06 AM   #61
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I agre with your opinion that tere is realy no black or white only shades of grey.

you hadel daily to insure the positive out come when ppl see them at your shows. I dont handel them becaus I want ppl to see that they are built killers and do what they need to do to live.

I dont like ppl seeing that they are docile because if you are going to get into this hobby be ready to meet the bigest and nastiest things on the face of this planet (figure of speach reptiles are not nasty)

cause even a ball or corn can be unpredictable I was talking to this guy at work he wanted to return his ball python becaus it snaped at him every time he walked buy like face it ppl it is a reptile they are not cute a cudely they just do there thing and if you dont like it leave them there.

I am the kind of person the will build a cage around what my animals need. If I have a rather unplesent animal I build a cage with a divider so I dont need to come in contact with the animal. It is not because I dont want to deal with it or dont know how I just feal that If I can avoid stress why not.

why dont we ppl stop trying to so called "TAME" our animals and just let them live there lives and just enjoy what they do best being beautiful in a well decorated cage.
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Old 09-27-03, 12:56 AM   #62
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LMAO, would you like fries with the foot you just stuck in your mouth. THAT is hilarious!

If I had fish in a tank of course I would hold them, where's the enjoyment in just LOOKING at a fish? P.S. don't believe everything you read!

How far into the future do you plan on opening up this reptile zoo? You are gonna take some grammar courses so you can correctly spell the animals proper latin name aren't you? I'm not saying it can't be done, but do you know what it takes to run a zoo? I don't so that is why I am asking. If the animals get sick are you just gonna sit there and watch them die cause you belive that they shouldn't be touched, let nature take it's course? I have some respect for what you are trying to convey to others, but sometimes you say the weirdest things! HA no offense meant on anything I said. Good Luck with your reptile zoo and in the future I will ask a question before I assume an answer cause foot fries are nasty, i'd rather just have the taco or burger, toss the fries. Okay, I am finished for now...
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Old 09-27-03, 01:02 AM   #63
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Originally posted by chondro python
why dont we ppl stop trying to so called "TAME" our animals and just let them live there lives and just enjoy what they do best being beautiful in a well decorated cage.
I thought what they do best is live in their natural enviroment

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Old 09-27-03, 02:09 AM   #64
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FYI I was a curator for a reptile only zoo where do you think the Idea came from and if all you have to complain about is my gramar then I am on the right road. I just care for that animals and make sure they have everything they need I will be letting my secratarie take care of the fancy paper work. You need to stop asuming I am a moron. I worked 75 hours a week in a reptile zoo to insure all the animals are well cared for and monitored there health and interviend when I needed to I just hate working for other ppl and as far as how far I am into my plans that realy isent any of your buissnes.

I handel animals all the time every day I have somthing in my hands I just dont watch TV with them or play computer games with them on my shoulders.

when I need to clean a cage I dont just shoo the animal to one side I remove it and clean and then I replace it like I said it is noe becaus I can't it is because I dont like stressing my animals more then I have to If I can get around and not touch the animals then all the better for the animals I do on ocasion take a few pic's with large animals to place in my scrap books. what I am refering to is the needles handeling most of the pic's I have are done the same time I remove the animal for a cage cleaning. do you get my drift.

The handeling I am refering to is form the teenie bopers that think it is cool to play playstation with there ball python around there neck.

do you get my point now.

I was just geting ready to turn 18 in this pic and you wana make me look like I am just some guy that is blowing smoke

I say because i have spent more time in a cage (Figure of speach) then you have and I have observed these animals on my lunch breaks.
how many of you can say they sat in 8 X 4 X 4 cage with a 14 Foot green Anaconda reading a book about herps. And were comfertable!! $H!T how many of you can say you are comfertable being around a 14 foot green Anaconda. Well I have!! Why because I love spending time with them looking at them seeing there behaviore it is just mesmorising if you just leave them alone why take an animal out of there home when you can share space with them on there terms why have them out in a house Enviorment of sometimes below70*F when you can read a book with them onder there terms 80*-85*F(not a recomended thing i see my mistake today.)

Here is a pic of me having fun with herps just like the next guy but this pic was taken on cleaning day so the animals had to be removed so I took the time for a few pic's.

baby Nile crocodile

Nile Monitor

Nile Monitor

Feeding Black Throught

Reticulated Python

African Rock Python

Not that is a snake I took ot just for a pic caus it was the only one I did not have in my books

Removing Green Anaconda

Removing Green Anaconda on ANOTHER cleaning day.

As you can see I still have fun with herps but I dont over do it with any un-nesesary handaling.

so will you plz stope treating me like a moron caus I am trying to get a real valid point acros althow it way seam wierd at least think about what I might be saying some times.

to some ppl here I might have had the job of your dreams but I want more then that.

and to others it may just be another day at the shop...LOL
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Old 09-27-03, 02:09 AM   #65
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sorry double posted
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Old 09-27-03, 03:24 AM   #66
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That Retic looks like its going to strike your face man!! That's what they do, you know?
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Old 09-27-03, 07:50 AM   #67
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xxbad, do you have a dog? if not get one. I have a few of those they like to free roam, and dont hurt themselves.

I'll also add that Iguanas and WD are not calm. Its all an individual trait. Some are calmer then others.
I have owned both species, and to be honest i find WD's flighty, ESPEACIALLY in open spaces. You make a reference to your WD falling off furniture and being fine, that bothers me.. How do you know? Maybe the reason your WD is so calm is it has fractures you know nothing about?

Oh, and to add.. As cool as Iguanas are, if you claim they're all calm I have scars to prove to you that Igs are as unpredictable as reptiles can get! ever have a big 6 footer sink its teeth into your arm? or rake its claws on you while you're chasing it? Letting either species free-roam is looking for trouble. period.

Last edited by V.hb; 09-27-03 at 07:57 AM..
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Old 09-27-03, 08:47 AM   #68
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To answer the original question, no, I don't let any herps wander my apartment, and not just because they're all too small to keep an eye on. Even when I get the bigger herps that I'd like when I get a new place (monitors and larger snakes) they will NOT be allowed to roam around period, and unsupervised is asking for trouble.

That's a very healthy looking anaconda Marc! Happen to remember what she weighs in at?
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Old 09-27-03, 10:49 AM   #69
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Good post Marc... I do agree with you, that a lot of people buy herps for the wrong reasons. However,

if all you have to complain about is my gramar then I am on the right road.
I think the point is that your spelling and punctuation are truly awful. I realize that not everyone is a university professor, but a lot of your mistakes are typos and missing punctuation that make your posts really difficult to read. I think if you just read over your posts before submitting them, and made your posts more ledgible, I'm sure everyone would back off with the whole grammar thing.

how many of you can say they sat in 8 X 4 X 4 cage with a 14 Foot green Anaconda reading a book about herps.
I think you're a pretty smart guy and know your herps (which is why I don't understand someone questionning your intentions to open a zoo, but anyway) so it surprised me to see you write that. First, you talk about how humans stress herps... you think that conda was comfortable with YOU in ITS cage? Isn't that just asking for trouble? Sure, the conda might seem tame, but if it get's hungry or aggressive there isn't much you can do about it at that point. And honestly, you SHOULDNT be comfortable in the presence of anything that can kill you. If you're comfortable, it means you are no longer as careful as you should be; you take liberties you probably shouldn't take. You obviously shouldn't be nervous, but I wouldn't allow myself to get too comfortable in the presence of a 14 foot conda.

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Old 09-27-03, 10:56 AM   #70
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In marcs defence, the guy is French. Correct me if iam wrong marc, but you speak french mostly right? I dont think to many english speakers on here could type perfectly in french either.. Practise makes perfect. This isnt a discussion about someones grammar, its about reptile husbandry and the things we do with our herps.

He wasnt handling the anaconda for fun, it was being cleaned. As he stated, he does it very minimal. I dont see how you thoroughly clean an enclosure without removing the animal from it.
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Old 09-27-03, 11:10 AM   #71
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Oh yeah I know he's french, and I can totally understand some mistakes. But like I said, a lot of them are typos (ie "hadel" instead of "handel") and a near total lack of punctuation (french people do punctuate!) And frankly, I'm french too! (Really! lol)

No, he said he was sitting in the conda's cage, with the condo, just reading a book, which, IMO is a stupid risk and a contradiction for someone who says even minimal handling will stress a herp.

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Old 09-27-03, 12:59 PM   #72
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I never said you were a moron, and for the most part I respect what you are doing! What is with the before and after pics of the Nile Monitor? Please excuse my ignorance...

Oh, Zoe, it's handle...
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Old 09-27-03, 01:01 PM   #73
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lol yes I know, but in one sentence marc wrote "hadel" and "handel". That latter is an understandable mistake for a french person, but the former is just a confusing typo

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Old 09-27-03, 01:06 PM   #74
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okay, i get it now, was a little confused...
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Old 09-27-03, 01:57 PM   #75
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I still fail to see why his entire thread regarding animals turned into a lets pick apart his grammar thread.... are you really that bored Zoe?
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