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09-25-03, 10:35 PM
Join Date: Jun-2003
Location: Oliver, BC
Age: 35
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all of you who dont know how calm water dragons they are calmer than iggy's
Have you ever owned an Iguana? Just curious.
Tammy Rehbein
-You can search all day for something and never find it, only to see it in the most obvious of places after you've stopped looking.-
09-25-03, 10:50 PM
Join Date: Feb-2003
Location: Moncton, New Brunswick
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I am gona be nice to you but I am realy upset with you.
I have bad spelling so bare with me.
free roaming= accidents and BY-LAWS.
if you knew so much about water dragons you would know that they need to have there heat and humidaty all the time and need to have there basking spots at any given time of the day.
Now having fake plants and nice places to hide is a verry nice home decore. BUT the avreg home is around 72* F totaly not enugh for a water dragon maby at night but not all day (meaning the 4 day perioud) now you can try and feed me the crap about you had the hole hous heated for the 4 day perioud buy I and most ppl here will just not belive you.
reptiles are display animals in no way do they LIKE being in our hands we just like to think so it should have a cage with all the apropriat requierments and dont handeld unles you are cleaning the cage our for some ocasional exercize every coupl of weeks.
I took my retic out for 5 min do you wana know where he went first right under the fridge and we are talking a 8 foot snake well I told my self he will come out on his own so I wated 1 hour nope dident move a inch so I started to move the fridge and what do you know the proces of moving the fringe cut him not deep but it was a long gash along his back now it is gone but you can still see where it hapend cause the scales did not get there colours back yet so all you see is one big black line. it only takes a second B4 things go realy wrong.
A good portion of snakes are climers and they break ribs all the time a tumble from to high up and to a rock in there enclosure and the damage is done and that is just a few feet high emagin a fall from a computer desk or somthing.
And as far as answering ppl questions I would keep your day job if you have on be cause I will tell you right now. Half the S#!T you know about water dragons is just that..*****.
you may think you are knowlegeble but you realy know just a frection of what the herpacultur is. That portion being what a WD looks like. I good quote I see aften on these forums "never try to list you knowlege cause you will soon realise you know verry littel."
I have ben doing this hobby for going on 8 years ask some of my friends here and they will tell you I know alot of use full stuff but I am telling you that I know nothimg compared to some ppl here.
if you think having knowlege telling a bunch of newbies what to do with there WD (enclosures, lights, a few feeding tips,) well you have a long road a head of you.
Just to name a few ppl here that are knowlegeble
Steeve B, Jeff favelle, Chris Marshell, V.hb..... just to name a few
and the funy thing is you ask them what they know and they will say "I know a few things but realy not much just enught to get by" and these ppl make me look like a newbie.
read more and never stop studing about your animal amd plz keep it in a cage.
look at reptiles with you eyes not your hands.
0.1 Jungle Carpet Pythons,
09-25-03, 11:58 PM
Join Date: Jun-2003
Location: Sacramento, California
Age: 46
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Originally posted by xxbad
I was watching this show there was this guy who had a lot of snakes he new how to hypnotize nskaes
There is no possible way to hypnotize a snake!
What are you, 12? Learn to take better care of your reptiles before something happens to them that you will regret!
The Village just called, they are missing their idiot
Never underestimate the
predictibility of stupidity
Current: Ball Python- Monty, Previous : Garter Snake- Laura, Alligator lizards, Fence Lizards, Ribbon Snake, Rubber Boa, Box Turtle, Bull Frog, Cockatiel, and a rat...
09-26-03, 12:12 AM
Join Date: Mar-2002
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look at reptiles with you eyes not your hands.
EXACTLY! I learn NEW stuff every day. Its what keeps you pumped about working with these things.
09-26-03, 01:45 AM
Join Date: Feb-2003
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Age: 37
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Great preaching Marc......very true
And to answer your question xxbad.....................no
09-26-03, 09:59 AM
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Unless you have a UV light set up there is no UV coming into your house.
09-26-03, 10:17 AM
Join Date: Jul-2003
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Chondro, I agree with almost everything you said except for the handling part. That is not a hard and fast rule. Many reptiles enjoy handling. Most bearded dragons love to be petted. My BP will come to the front of the enclosure by the door when I enter my office. If I open the door she comes straight to my hand and climbs up. When I put her back in she stays by the door until I leave the room or ignore her for about 10 minutes before she goes back into her hide. In fact it is interesting if someone enters my office with me she won't come to the door and if I open the door she heads for the hide. So, I don't subject her to visitors.
Live Hard Die Young
09-26-03, 09:02 PM
Join Date: Feb-2003
Location: Moncton, New Brunswick
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what you are saying there is a clasic case of Anthropomorphism (meaning you give human emotion to your inanimate object or animals.) so as much as we would like to think our animals enjoy our prensence they dont need it to thrive as far as try to say well they need the exersize that is not a justified reason either cause it is our duty to provide a large enugh enclosures so that handaling is put to a minimum. I am strong beliver that reptiles dont need me to intervine with there lives unless it is feeding time of cleaning time. I know my animals dont love me but I still love watching them do there thing.
The sonner ppl realise that the better off this hobby will be.
remember look with your eyes not your hands.
Marc Doiron
0.1 Jungle Carpet Pythons,
09-26-03, 09:10 PM
Join Date: Jun-2003
Location: Sacramento, California
Age: 46
Posts: 191
Marc, why keep reptiles at all if they don't need you to to begin with? Go to a zoo to look with your eyes and not your hands, me I'll continue to hold my ball python.
The Village just called, they are missing their idiot
Never underestimate the
predictibility of stupidity
Current: Ball Python- Monty, Previous : Garter Snake- Laura, Alligator lizards, Fence Lizards, Ribbon Snake, Rubber Boa, Box Turtle, Bull Frog, Cockatiel, and a rat...
09-26-03, 09:26 PM
Join Date: Feb-2003
Location: Moncton, New Brunswick
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FYI I am planing on opaning reptile only zoo in the future so I am slowly geting my personal collection larger so I have somthing to put in there when I open the doors.
If you hade fish in a huge tank would you be holding it all the time I dont think so. If you want a animal to pet get somthng furry if you want an animal to admire and studdy get a herp.
If you knew me you would know why I own my herps but since you dont you have no idea what my plans for the future are.
Would you like fries with the foot you just stuck in your mouth.
0.1 Jungle Carpet Pythons,
09-26-03, 09:52 PM
Join Date: Jul-2002
Location: Ontario
Age: 51
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When my family lived in Africa some crazy **** was "free roaming" in our house. Yeash! Now that was an accident waiting to happen! LOL But as far as WD falling I don't think that would be a major concern, WD are really excellent climbers, better then a kitten, and I don't think anyone locks a kitten in a cage (do they?) as far as the toxic/crushing dangers those are very real dangers but a little free roaming with supervision isn't a big problem in my opinion. And really what makes the risk of a free roaming 20 yr old iguana ingesting a toxic substance any less then a WD. I have two semi free roaming iggys (they are confined to my indoor zoo, hehe fancy reptile room name..) i have never had any probs with that, they get their UV and heat and are very healthy, mind u a WD is quite a bit smaller and thus can fit alot of places an old iggy couldn't so there IS more risk invovled. As for never handling your reptiles, well thats bunk. By the way chondro aren't you holding a herp in your avatar pic...and we don't hold fish because they can't breath or else we probably would. My reptiles are handled all the time and you would be hard pressed to find healthier herps any where. Not only do I handle them but the kids who come to my shows do too, a little temporary stress but never has it compromised their health or I would stop. Listen letting animals free roam is really an uneccessary risk, I know your heart is in the right place xxbad, my house is all jungle like too but why take chances. Let your little buddies out for a few hours, take some good pics, then put 'em back home. Enjoy and ensure their health and safety all at once. Cats are very untrustable too, I have had a problem with cats before. Very predatorial. I let my guys free roam all the time, supervised, generally they never leave a plant or window ledge but why take a chance, you wouldn't let your kid "free roam" down the street because they wouldn't know what to do. Herps are not in their element in house and thus probably pretty confused and in danger of hurting themselves. Just my thoughts, and by the way fries suck.
"Only through education do we teach the ignorant that which we love is not evil but wonderous"....
09-26-03, 09:53 PM
Join Date: Mar-2002
Location: Ottawa
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Chondro, I agree with almost everything you said except for the handling part. That is not a hard and fast rule. Many reptiles enjoy handling. Most bearded dragons love to be petted. My BP will come to the front of the enclosure by the door when I enter my office. If I open the door she comes straight to my hand and climbs up...
Yup, that is anthropomorphism. To the snake, you are a warm branch, not a friend. In the wild, it is in a mammal's interest to be sociable (for wolves, elephants, rats, to keep from danger and such) and so is it in captivity (humans give treats and protect). In the wild, it is NOT an advantage for a reptile to socialize, for it would endanger it. Same thing as in captivity. It is possible that the snake is familiar with your scent and ways of movement, but not that your snake "likes" you better than other people or "misses" you when you leave.
my water dragon went outside for uvb but she had the time of her life.
my water dragon doesent have accsess to the outside.
I see... That makes sense.
And water dragons can fall from my furniture and be ok
Yup! And Humans can fall 15 stories and be fine, too!
how calm water dragons they are calmer than iggy's
And you know that because you've owned lots and lots of iguanas and water dragons, right? And anyway, a few posts back you said:
water dragons and iggy's are very calm
09-26-03, 10:07 PM
Join Date: Nov-2002
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Not trying to be rude here xxbad but you should realy read up on what you keep before you take on the responsabilaty of herp,s so that they get the care they need and deserve excuse the spelling it,s late lol
Just my 2cets
Happy herping to all
Don't Let Your Past Be Who You Are But Let The Future Be What You Become* "Free will is our choice"
09-26-03, 11:03 PM
Join Date: Feb-2003
Location: Moncton, New Brunswick
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ya I am holding a herp in my avatar and FYI It was at a educational show just like the ones you seem to enjoy doing and bringing alligators and caimens to. I had to pay $5 for that pic and I wanted it just for the avatar. other than that I would have just looked at it and enjoyed its presence.
Ask any herp breeder the less you handel your animals the better off they are come breeding season and that is fact not just me blowing smoke up you @$$.
as much as it may hurt why can't you ppl just say I am right.
Handaling is not a thing that they neede to survive and herps do better with out it in some cases.
and if you are the kind of person that tells them self that there animal needs exersize so that is your excuse to taking them out every day then you should consider giving them a biger cage and if you feel that it is just not needed you should re-evaluat the reason why you have herps.
I am tierd of seeing ppl buying small herps (Ball Pythons, corn snakes, water dragons.......) just because they are COOLER then hamsters.
if you want somthing cute a cudely buy a hamster if you want to get a herp be ready to buy a nice size cage with lots of hids big water dishes some branches and all the proper heat and humidity requierments and once you have it all set you perfectly why would you bother them can't you see when a herp is realy content. But nooooo you need get the most comen herp and give it only what it needs to live and have it out every 2 days just to add the extra dose of stress.
I may sound like a ranting lunatic but this is how I feal about herps I hadel my herps every week (cleaning day) and they SEE me every day (frech water.)
I have nothig against taking nice pic's and stuff but I am addressing the ppl that watch TV with there herps or do there home work with them around there neck or are on the net with there herps. and so on and so on.
0.1 Jungle Carpet Pythons,
09-26-03, 11:22 PM
Join Date: Jul-2002
Location: Ontario
Age: 51
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I completely agree with the whole breeding thing but don't expect people to just agree with you because I honestly don't feel you are right. Most reptiles (not all) can adjust to human precence and interaction like any other creature. In my own case it is neccessary to keep them used to the idea of human handeling to lower (not negate) stress and prevent lash outs. Most of my herps take handling quite well I won't say they like it but they tolerate it however some, like my gator, i feel will probably never get used to it. It a common sense thing there is no absolute answer to this question, some do better then others, like most things to do with reptiles at most we know very little and have to go by our judgement. Reptiles are not socail they are not domesticated but they can be handled within the proper parameters. My opinion take it or leave it.
"Only through education do we teach the ignorant that which we love is not evil but wonderous"....
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