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Old 08-24-03, 08:32 PM   #1
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trough/tub questions

Just have a few questions about using troughs/tubs for monitors...

- Haven't seen many pictures, and the last was too far out of memory range. Is it best to fasten it to the trough? Just make a "door" and screw or bolt the frame to the edge?

- When putting the flood on the lid, does it rest right on the plexi? What effect if any does hours of 120+ temperature have on plexiglass?

- When using a Retes stack, don't the monitors burrow underneath and undermine it?

- Usual question: does anyone have pictures?


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Old 08-25-03, 05:26 AM   #2
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Most of your questions are just a matter of preference and as long as the goal is achieved, does it really matter how you got there?

Stock tanks make fantastic enclosures for smaller monitors (particularly <i>Odatria</i>'s) and here's a few reasons why....

1 - They allow for 12"+ of substrate.
2 - They hold humidity well and don't need any speacial treating
to prevent rotting.
3 - Easy to regulate heat/humidity.

Heat and plexi really don't go too well together, but with the right bulb/set up you can achieve ideal temps and the lid really won't get too hot.

As for your comment regarding Retes stacks......monitors will go on, over, under, and through them. I'm really not sure what you want them to do, but this is the intent. If set up properly it will provide the monitor(s) with appropriate basking temps (a variety) and several secure hiding spots to thermoregulate and possibly nest.

Best wishes,
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Old 08-25-03, 10:25 AM   #3
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In retrospect they were mainly subjective questions, and thanks for responding Jon... with the plexi, I was really wondering if a circular cutout right below the light would be a good idea, or a piece of real glass set over that area instead of plexi. Thought I'd ask around before fubaring a sheet of plexi

I was mostly just curious as to whether or not a monitor (I was thinking brachyurus) would dig right underneath the corners and or sides and make it fall over.

Asides from aescetics, stock tanks are looking good! At least they come prefab (except for the lid, of course)....
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Old 08-25-03, 11:16 AM   #4
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Hi Jay76

If you're going to go with a plexi lid then I find the best way to do it is the mount the light fixture on the inside of plexi.

By doing this I can control my temps and humidity a bit better.

If you're going to use heavy wood or stones just make sure they are touching the bottom of the tank just to be sure they won't fall in on your monitor.

You're heading in the right direction.

The Monitor Spot
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Old 08-25-03, 03:26 PM   #5
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Thanks Ravi, that's a good idea but I'm curious - with the light on the inside, does that limit how much dirt I can use so that they can't reach the bulb and get burnt?
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Old 08-25-03, 05:04 PM   #6
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With the bulbs I use (100 watts, but not every 100 watt bulb is the same), I usually keep the closest object around six inches from the bulb. I currently have 6 troughs running all in this manner, no problems other than too many eggs

I've actually had monitors basking under lamps that have started the wood they are sitting on to smolder and burn.......I really don't recommend this hot, but it dows show that they will use it..........just differently than a cooler spot. This has happened to me a couple times, both when trying a new type of bulb.

Best wishes,
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Old 08-25-03, 05:19 PM   #7
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I was just wondering where do you buy these and how much approx do they cost?

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Old 08-25-03, 06:02 PM   #8
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The 4x2x2 troughs (100 gallon) are around $150, and are available through any farm supply store. They actually measure 53"L x 28"W x 24"D.

The galvanized troughs are cheaper, but I prefer the polyurethane ones.
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