Ok, i have a question..
what (if any) are the problems of feeding day old Chicks to snakes? Also why are day so cheap? (probably coz there cheap to produce but not sure)
Is the danger that they carry salmonella, as most reptiles carry this any way??

this is all part of my quest to feed my snakes a varyied diet, I also feed them Rats, Mice, Hampsters, and Gerbills, all of which they seem to love (I got vicious feeding responses the first time they smelt a new animal)

At the moment I only feed them a chick once of twice a month but i dont no why? The stools dont seem runny or unhealthy but i've never fed two Chicks in a row???
NE 1 know wot the deal is? NE info would be apperciated

thanx sam