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Old 06-28-03, 09:34 PM   #1
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Is this normal?

I received my baby BRB almost two weeks ago, and I have here in a rubbermaid shoebox. Temp is 80 degrees, and the humidity is at 90. She is always hiding in her box. I never see her. She is never in her water bowl or anything. She's eating great. She was a bit nippy when I first got her, but she's been a sweetheart ever since. I was just wandering if this is normal behavior for a BRB. Thanks.
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Old 06-28-03, 10:26 PM   #2
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IMO, yes all is normal

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Old 06-29-03, 08:00 AM   #3
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BRB's spend most of their time hiding if given the chance. If she's not in her waterbowl then that just means her humidity requirements are being met. My rainbows rarely, if ever, soak. When you say the temp is at 80, is that the entire temp her tank is at? She should have a temperature gradient of around 75-85 I find works well.
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Old 06-29-03, 08:40 AM   #4
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From what I understand, BRBs only really get aggresive when they are young, or when the husbandry is not correct. Sounds like you are meeting the snake's needs, so if it hides all the time without soaking, you're probably doing it right. Do make sure you have a cool end in the rubbermaid as well though.
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Old 07-01-03, 11:30 PM   #5
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Thanks for all your reponses. I just wanted to make sure she's not doing anything out of the ordinary. I feel better . I have a heat pad on one side of the shoebox, and it's temp is around 80 (give or take a few degrees). I'm not sure what it is on the cool side. Maybe not much difference since it's a small rubbermaid shoe box, huh? I'll make sure she has a temperature gradient.
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