I got Kahns new girlfriend last thursday!
oh my god!we went to pick her up and the previous owners looked like they were junkies of some sort.......when we went put her in the pillow case to take her home i noticed she was very VERY underweight.
we set up out new tank and everything, my boyfriend had her out while i was doing this, and she decided to attack him and bite him in the face lol, we finally got her in the tank, we decided to feed her, they give us 5 fuzzies which she eat within 2 days, she was supposedly 2 year old, she is about 3 foot in lengh and they were feeding her fuzzies!.....1 a week!
the poor thing had been straved, mis treated cause the owners was petrified of her. since thursday night, shes eaten 5 fuzzies and a medium rat!she has been very aggresive, striking the glass whenever we pass, and also hissing when we open the tank
but this is due to her mis treatment and ovious stravation.
shes half the lengh of kahn and a third of the width of my 1 and a half year old male......but i wouldnt risk putting them in cause she would kick his *** lol
we intend to feed her up,give her plenty of love and hopefully when she gets over this PMT problem that she has lol her and Khan will hopefully shacking up together once she gets about the same size, so watch this space!
ill get pics on as soon as i can.