After almost a full year of sitting in my living room housing nothing! We (mostly my bf) finished converting the terrarium into 3 separate living areas. It was initially one big tall enclosure with only lamps set up, I got it for a great price and it was very well built and looked great. I never thought converting it would have been so costly and time consuming but I'm happy it's done and don't regret it. I came up with the plans and the setup and my bf did most of the woodwork, etc.
A couple of outside views:
This is a closer view of the shelves and interior set up. A cut out was made in each shelf on the same side for a 1/4" glass plate where I fixed a UTH onto. Linoleum was used to line the bottom and first 3-4" and all joints were sealed with silicone for waterproofing and easy cleanups.
This is an underside view to the shelves and the UTH's, this is how I protect the inhabitant below one from coming in direct contact with the UTH. There is a 3/4" space between the UTH and pegboard (the thickness of the plywood shelf) and the pegboard allows for heat to radiate down as well as ventilation.
Here are the new inhabitants checking out their new homes, the cages are pretty bare now, they will be furnished with more hides and climbing branches soon:
Janice on the top:
Maurice in the middle:
Kira on the bottom:
The biggest drawback to this setup is having only one door for all enclosures. It'll be fun to see how that works out. Unless it is absolutely necessary, I want to leave it like this, I like the one big plexiglass door. The edges of the shelves will be decorated with greenery.