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Old 04-23-03, 08:12 AM   #1
Join Date: Mar-2003
Location: Toronto
Age: 67
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Question will they bred and what could I expect?

I have a two year old female Okette corn. Next year she will be ready to breed. I met someone who has a beautiful albino corn male. I fell in love with it. I am thinking about asking this person if he would allow me to breed my Okette with his albino. Has anyone ever tried this combination? With success?
I am sure I would get some interesting colors.
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Old 04-23-03, 08:31 AM   #2
Join Date: Mar-2002
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Actually you will get 100% het for amel (albino) babies. All normals, carrying the fathers trait. Okeetees are just normals with a variation in pattern. Some of the corns are like that, and not genetic morphs but more like a nice line of dogs. You know what I mean? Like CandyCanes. They aren't an actual morph. They are a color line of Amel. So you don't really have "het candy cane" because all it is, is an amel. As with Okeetee. Babies may come out a bit more Okeetee or a bit more normal depending on the Amels line.

*UNLESS* Your Okeetee or the Amel is "het" for anything. If say your Okeetee is actually an Okeetee het Amel then mating her with an amel with give you 50% Amel and 50% het Amel.

If I was you, since most likely niether are het unless you already know about it, I would find a stunning Okeetee male. There aren't enough REALLY NICE Okeetees in Canada but there are plenty of amels. But again depends on what you like

Good luck, and The Cornsnake Manual by Kathy Love is AWESOME for breeding. My female is about to lay and I cant stop reading it.

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